Let's talk about food.. my husband and I have been eating "clean" for about a year now and we're never looking back. It's really terrifying how many chemicals people in this country eat and consider it "food". I won't start preaching about this issue, but think about this: long ago, "organic" food didn't exist, because all food was organic. Now, we have to have different sections, even different stores (Whole Foods, Earth Fare), just to find real food. It's really sad if you think about it.
ANYWAY, I'm not posting to preach.. but to share some of our favorite recent recipes! All of these recipes came from Pinterest, but sometimes you don't know what will end up being good or not until you make it. So I "taste tested" these for you, and they are awesome!
Our Healthy/Clean Eating Modifications:
- Quinoa pasta instead of lasagna noodles (we only eat quinoa pasta now). Usually we use Rotelle or Elbows.
- Ground Turkey instead of Ground Beef
Our Healthy/Clean Eating Modifications:
- Ground Chicken instead of Ground Beef
- Organic Shells
- We don't use packets of seasonings, but what we have in the pantry (chili powder, cumin, etc)
This recipe is very "real", so we followed it exactly. I topped it with a little cream cheese and (all natural/no refined sugar) fruit preserves. Here is a note about sugar... it's added to EVERYTHING. If you are used to Eggos and such, you'll think these waffles are incredibly bland. But that's one big problem with how our country eats today... I try to eat as little sugar as I can (unless it's in fruit... which I eat a TON of!)
Also I have to note that my husband does ALL the cooking in our house. He is sooo so so good at it and he loves it. Ever since we've started eating healthy, he has gotten even better since he's had to get creative. I've actually started thinking about posting some of the recipes he makes on my blog. We'll see!
If you want to learn more about clean eating, check this site.. it's a great start!
1 day ago
I too started eating clean after reading eat to live and forks and knives. Thanks for sharing these recipes. They look great and I cant wait to try. The hardest part of eating this way is taking the time to prepare, right? I also want to add that I have more energy eating like this than ever before! how about you? www.stephaniekraussdesigns.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing these recipes! Just want to note that quinoa pasta is made primarily with corn - which, unless it's certified organic or specifically part of the non-GMO project, is loaded with GMOs. Thin-sliced eggplant might be a good lasagna noodle substitute, or spaghetti squash in place of spaghetti.
ReplyDeleteThe skillet lasagna looks delicious. I'd love to see some of the recipes your husband makes on your blog!
ReplyDeleteThe lasagna looks delicious, but the link isn't work. Would you mind updating it? I would love to see the recipe! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteFixed! Sorry about that!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing! We typically buy Ancient Harvest Quinoa which states that it's organic... but I'll look into it more!
ReplyDeleteClean eating is definitely the way to go! I started eating a pretty clean "plant based" diet last fall and after a week or two I started feeling better than I ever have in my life. My skin looked amazing, my teeth were whiter (thanks to no coffee and a lot less wine!) and I didn't experience that 3pm energy crash. It definitely takes more time and effort to eat this way, especially at the beginning but once you get a few "go to" recipes and meals under your belt it's way easier to maintain. Would love to see more of your favorite recipes!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I have started reading about all the chemicals in food when I was pregnant and it was an eye opener, I still don't think I know enough... but the most important part is to make meals from scratch as much as possible, use fresh ingredients and organic produce when you can.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it sad that when we talk about "real food and all the junk food we think it's good and chemicals in our food vs. organics foods" we think it is preaching, I have felt the same way when I talk about it... what type of culture do we live in that we feel like we are preaching when you are trying to have a healthier lifestyle?
I don't normally comment...but I'm glad you wrote about these meals. I have been trying to eat No processed food for a month and the transition is really hard. I read these two books and I thought you might like them. http://www.amazon.com/Practical-Paleo-Customized-Whole-Foods-Lifestyle/dp/1936608758/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1364928621&sr=8-1&keywords=paleo and this one http://www.amazon.com/Nourishing-Traditions-Challenges-Politically-Dictocrats/dp/0967089735/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1363879759&sr=1-1&keywords=Nourishing+Traditions%3A+The+Cookbook+that+Challenges+Politically+Correct+Nutrition+and+the+Diet+Dictocrats
ReplyDeleteI started us on a "real" food diet last year. I'm with you, we won't go back! We're definitely not perfect (still a bit too much eating out in our schedule) but I have lost my taste for all of the processed junk (pregnancy-induced sweet tooth notwithstanding). I also read The Food Babe, who will scare the cravings right out of you!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing these recipes, Bryn! My husband and I are always in need of some delicious new "clean" ones!
ReplyDeleteGood for you, Bryn! So much better for your body and our planet. I shouldn't have read this post prior to eating dinner - they all look so good! ;)
ReplyDeleteWe are getting healthier too. It is scary how much bad stuff there is in regular food. Thanks for the link and recipes!
ReplyDeleteHey Bryn, where do you buy your fruit? Do you buy organic? Just wondered since you mentioned you eat a ton of it; what do you eat on a regular basis? Trying to get my family on healthier/cleaner food, but it's hard and EXPENSIVE when you've got four kiddos and a husband to feed! Still worth it, but it takes time. Thanks for that clean eating website; I'm going to check it out!
ReplyDeleteI am transitioning to pescetarianism after reading eating animals by jonathan safran foer and staying away from factory farmed meat (chicken, beef and pork). so glad to see so many others thinking about what we eat!