Wednesday, August 5, 2009

So wrong, but so good.

Okay, I know it's morally wrong that Home Sweet Home links pictures without sources, but what can I say. It feels so good to be so wrong.... I just get the best inspiration pictures from that site.

Here are some of my current favorites...


  1. the fourth picture is so pretty! I wouldn't have pictured black and white cabinets to look so good together!

  2. Yes, but people submit their photos knowing about the site. Sometimes at work, when I get stressed, I love looking through their site... it's therapy.

  3. Oh my word, the aquamarine kitchen is GORGEOUS! I love it! And I am actually bad at showing pictures without sources :/ I always save them into my inspiration folder and forget where they came from!

  4. heck, if they were my rooms, I would want all the credit...but I will just enjoy these nameless spaces of joy. wrong, but so right.

  5. That kitchen is just yummy! I would spend all my time in it if it were mine....

  6. If you click on any of the pics on that site, it takes you to the original source, so I don't think it is morally wrong. I love that site.

  7. I love that feed too!! Although I cry myself to sleep at night wanting to know where some of them come from :[

  8. Lovely pics! The kitchen is fabulous.

  9. I think, if my memory serves me correctly, that the aqua kitchen everyone is swooning over is from Country Home. They showed a before-and-after of the room and it was pretty drastic. I really like it but I also think that I'd get tired of it. I like to change things up and the style/color/pattern in that kitchen is pretty fixed. But it's good for eye candy!

  10. Hi Bryn,
    What do you call the one seater benches that have an "X" shape frame? and where can I find two of them just like the picture?
    Thanks so much

  11. that first image is from Coastal Living

  12. Cole's right. All the images are linked to their original source.

    Also, lovely eye candy.

  13. I never source my photos on my blog unless I am referencing another blog or website within the post... but that is just because I am lazy and usually just find images and save them and cannot recall where they were originally from. I don't lose sleep over it though, LOL.

    This site is great though! I had never heard of it!


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