Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I'm back.... but worried.

I'm back after an amazing vacation.

BUT, my husband just got a call from his dad...His mom (my mother-in-law) was just taken to the hospital. She has been having fainting spells and numbness for the past couple days and just fainted again. I'm really hoping it's nothing serious.

{my in-laws}

Please send over good thoughts and prayers!


  1. Oh, please know that your mil is in my thoughts and in my prayers. My mil had a series of fainting spells too, but is fine now. Perhaps we both need a "fainting room" and one of those lovely settees for spells.
    Welcome home.

  2. Positive thoughts and prayers are headed your way...

  3. sounds like possibly a blood pressure issue or even a vitamin deffiency. has she had a flu shot recently?

  4. I hope all is well and that it turns out to be nothing...

  5. Oh Bryn! I'm sending you guys LOTS of positive thoughts and prayers! xo

  6. I am sorry to hear that I am praying.

  7. Oh my gosh - just saw this! I'm SO glad she has a clean bill of health! I had fainting spells when I was pregnant - uh oh! Seriously, glad she's OK. Love, Mom

  8. Oh no! I'll keep her and your family in my prayers! I hope everything works out okay!

  9. Oh my gosh - just saw this! I'm SO glad she has a clean bill of health! I had fainting spells when I was pregnant - uh oh! Seriously, glad she's OK. Love, Mom

  10. I hope all is well and that it turns out to be nothing...

  11. Positive thoughts and prayers are headed your way...


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