Wednesday, September 9, 2009

she's okay!

Everything is okay with MIL. She left the hospital with a clean bill of health, but they still don't know why she is having the issues. Hopefully the symptoms and fainting spells will go away with (soon) time.

In happier news, I love this fabric, and I would love to get it to make a DIY ottoman. Look closely - the color is called "ink". Is it blue? Is it black? I'm not really sure, which makes me really want to order a swatch.

And while we're on the topic of items on my wish list, I've added this sconce to the list. I would keep it inside rather than outside.


  1. Love these sconces! So glad your MIL is OK; hope that you enjoyed your Labor Day weekend trip to SC, we were in Charleston enjoying the beautiful weather too.

  2. a ok, glad to hear she is good! Please tell her to check her blood sugar levels....

    My blood sugar just went way up with that sweet pattern,,,,reminds me of my prom dress. That light is fab too. Always good things to make me feel okay here.

  3. Glad to hear she's OK!

    I'm totally in love with barn lighting too...

  4. I'm glad to hear your MIL is ok :) And, I LOVE that fabric!

  5. You might want to know that sconces just like the ones in this picture are on sale at lowes this week for 19.98. At that totally need them!

  6. Just wanted to say I had those sconces for my son- also got at Lowes! Love them!

  7. used it inside, always looks cool. and like $18 at Lowe's

  8. I hope everything is sorted with your MIL soon. So scary when anything is a mystery.

    Hard to say if the fabric is black or dark blue but maybe the company can explain if you call them?

  9. Just as a heads' up - I have an outdoor sconce at my house that I just installed. It look exactly like the one you've posted, in size, style and color, but I got it at Lowe's. For $19.99. They're awesome!

  10. Just as a heads' up - I have an outdoor sconce at my house that I just installed. It look exactly like the one you've posted, in size, style and color, but I got it at Lowe's. For $19.99. They're awesome!


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