Monday, September 7, 2009

Greetings from South Carolina

We've been having the best time with family on Lake Wylie, South Carolina. Of course, I had to stop by and say hi to my blog people :)

(I've been rocking my grandma's bright pink lipstick all weekend.. love it)

Have a great rest of your Labor Day and I'll be back on Wednesday :)


  1. You're in my neck of the woods! I was out on Lake Wylie this weekend too. Hope you are enjoying your stay!

  2. I can't believe you're out here in South Carolina! I hope you enjoyed your time!

  3. WOW! You're like 30 minutes away from my house! Hope you enjoyed your long weekend!

  4. You do look tickled pink to have some R & R and time in SC.!

  5. Super cute Bryn! Tell Granny I need to borrow that lipstick! MUAH!

  6. Funny that you are in my area as well!! Hope you had a great time on the lake!!

  7. Wylie is a family name and I didn't know that there was a lake named after it! That's so cool!!! Now I want to plan a trip and go there! How did you pick that lake and where do you suggest staying?

    I have auto reply set up on my comments, if you could respond to that, I would REALLY appreciate it!!

    Hope you had a good time and I love the lip color.

  8. Funny that you are in my area as well!! Hope you had a great time on the lake!!

  9. I can't believe you're out here in South Carolina! I hope you enjoyed your time!

  10. You do look tickled pink to have some R & R and time in SC.!

  11. Hi, lovely post ! I really like your blog, thank you so much for sharing it ! Best wishes and lovely to meet you


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