Sunday, February 8, 2009

Rain, Laziness and Photoshop Actions

You may have snow where you live, but here in Southern California we've had rain... non-stop rain! Sure, we'll get a couple hours of rain every now and then (rare), but it's been almost constant rain and cloudy skies for the last three days (very rare). I've LOVED it, but it's made this weekend a very very lazy one.

I downloaded some Photoshop actions today from an awesome mommy blogger, Coffee Shop. She so generously gives out free photoshop actions, and I have to add - why didn't I download these sooner?? I'm obsessed.

Here are some photos (with Photoshop actions) of our lazy weekend...


  1. Mmm ... I love those actions. Irish Breakfast Tea and Vivid are my favorites!

  2. I love laziness...ohhh well on to Monday.


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