Monday, February 9, 2009

$300 Elegance

As you know by now, Domino has been canceled. Like all my fellow bloggers, I am seriously bummed by this, especially since I got a 2 year subscription for Christmas... :-/

Between now and when their site will officially be shut down, I'm trying to c+p as many inspiration photos from their site into my Photobucket as I can.

One inspiration photo in particular stands out in my mind... in their August 2008 issue, they took the simple yet perfect Hemnes bed from Ikea and painted it white. I just about died! It's so elegant in white.... and I've filed it away for a future guest room for sure.

Here it is:

And in Domino's room:

(I'm not totally in love with the room)

I imagine this bed in a future soothing almost all white in-law suite:

(also from Domino)

A valuable lesson is learned here: buy something inexpensive, add a coat of paint, turn it into something stunning.


  1. I heard that their site will also shut down, which means no DECOFILES!

  2. I have that bed and our master is done in all white but I never thought to paint it... will have to try to convince DH when we move

  3. I love it in white and in that room--it's so fresh and airy!

  4. oooh, I love the wallpaper with the white bed. v. nice.

  5. I don't want to gloat...but the bed is on sale in Canada right now for $199! Can you believe that? What an amazing deal!

  6. I have that bed and our master is done in all white but I never thought to paint it... will have to try to convince DH when we move

  7. I love it in white and in that room--it's so fresh and airy!


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