Friday, February 6, 2009

thrifty threads

I've started documenting my thrifty threads this week... let's just say I'm still working out the kinks. The only time I can snap some pics are in the morning, and the light is pretty crappy in our house + I air dry my naturally curly hair, so it's always wet in the am.

The main purpose of me sharing my outfits now and then is to show you that you can dress nicely for SUPER cheap (I'm going to try and do subtotals of each outfit - if I can remember how much everything cost!) So.... here you go!

February 4, 2009
hair tie: oops left it on in the pic.
top: vintage ~$10
jeans: Heavenly Couture ~$15
shoes: Target ~$20
Total: $45 for the entire outfit!

February 5, 2009
tank: F21 ~ $9
belt: thrifted ~$5
jeans: Sakes Outlet (Joe's Jeans) ~$50
Sweater: thrifted ~$5
Shoes: (Charles David) ~$20
Total: $89 for the entire outfit!

I'm still experimenting with when to take the pictures, lighting, when my hair will actually be dry ;) I'll be totally honest - I HATE my picture being taken, but I really love seeing daily wear pics on my favorite blogs, so I'm jumping on the bandwagon.


  1. This was fun, you are so trendy!

  2. I like this :) Too cute outfits :)

  3. I love seeing what people are wearing too! I might have to jump on the bandwagon with you! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I'm liking this addition to your blog :o)

  5. love love love the second outfit!
    perfect for a saturday afternoon!

  6. Super cute! The second outfit is my favorite.

  7. I love that you are doing this! I can't wait to see more. Your outfits are always fabulous!

  8. I am pretty new to your blog, but I love that you are documenting what you are wearing. I love those outfits, especially the second one.

  9. You're so cute...wet hair and all. I love the new addition to your blog too. Great outfits!

  10. Love the sweater in the second outfit. I'm not sure about the thrift shops in my area but I'm gonna check them out. I wish I lived in a trendier place.....northern ohio..not so much!

  11. Amazing...makes me wish I could share your closet!

  12. I really like this as a new feature! By the way -- started reading your blog about a month ago. I'm also a newlywed and love seeing your creativity!

  13. What a cool idea. I totally love to thrift shop too..was thinking of doing something similar on my blog but don't want to be a copy cat.


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