Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The search for the perfect prints...

...has begun. See, this art search is different than any before, because the two prints I'm looking for will be the first art you see when you walk into our home. They have to make my heart flutter every time I see them, since I'll be seeing them everyday!

{the prints I'm searching for are for the two empty frames in our current dining area; via previous post}

So, I headed over to Design Sponge, clicked on their "art" category, and voila! I found lots of inspiration. Check out these current contenders:

{These peony prints are breathtaking. Peonies are my favorite flower and the blue-ish black background in these photographs is what makes my heart skip a beat.}

{This woodblock print of a chair would be so great in our little space with chairs.}

Group shot of art by Perla Anne

{All of them together - absolutely amazing! My second and third choices are the vintage camera and typewriter.}

Tulips by Wayne Pate

Toparie by Wayne Pate

Artist Series Print, Leanne Shapton via Wayne Pate

{I love that the Wayne Pate prints are a little more modern, which would make the area seems less shabby chic, which is not the style I'm going for.}

I love all of these prints, but I'm not clicking the "Add To Cart" button quite yet. Like I said, this is a serious art search, but these are definite contenders :)


  1. I love those first two prints! I would love to put them in my house, but my husband would gag and make snarky comments about how "girly" they are. So please, put them in your house so I can live vicariously :)

  2. me likey! me likey alot. you find things I might look over.

  3. The woodblock chair print for sure - esp. if your trying to get away from shabby chic. Plus they are subtle enough that you won't tire of them too easily.

  4. I actually really love the last two by Wayne Pate...something about the splash of color on the last one! If you like floral prints you can check out fellow blogger Dolcechic's etsy shop...she has some great prints

  5. The peony prints are definitely gorgeous - those are my favorites!

  6. Pretty. I also love the prints from this etsy seller: Pretty Petal Studios


  7. Bryn - I really think you have the talent to create something similar to those prints by painting them yourself... if you can paint houses with the lines and depth, I think you could easily paint something that makes you happy.

  8. I love that you used the word flutter! :) My husband teases me about using that word all the time! Beautiful prints!

  9. What lovely images to kick-start the afternoon with. I do love the peonies, but if you're trying to go in another direction, I'd go with the chair images. Not only are they more versatile, but they're unexpected.


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