Monday, January 5, 2009

A leaky plant turned project!

Yesterday while I was vacuuming the house, I noticed our one house plant was leaking everywhere! The husband and I frantically dragged it outside and cleaned up the water before it ruined our laminate floors. Well, after I stood back to take a look, our dining room corner suddenly looked larger - and had potential!

Here is a before, a way before:

Before the new pendant and chairs, with plant

And, the after (sort of):

It was a completely free re-design. I grabbed a side table from one of the guest rooms, a bowl from the kitchen, a couple vases that were lying around and two white frames that were left over from the office art project.

It's not complete, though. I would love to find a side table/trunk/console (Craigslist, Salvation Army) that has a little more character. Also, the frames still have the Aaron Brother's fillers in them. I'm in search of some great art prints, preferably inexpensive. Does anyone have any favorites? Etsy?

Speaking of art, I have been meaning to share with you my art wall in the office - I'll get to that in the very near future :) Believe it or not, only 3 out of the 11 pieces hanging in my office are actually purchased art - the rest was found art from many random (and free) places.


  1. Dont you love free changes in the house! Yours looks great. The chairs are really nice though did very good as always.

  2. The new chairs are a big improvement. Are they more comfortable?

  3. What an awesome transformation Bryn, I love the after!

  4. Funny how one thing can totally change a room around! It looks great!

  5. Stumled across you blog and it's great! I love the pictures hanging up in the corner, I never think to do stuff like that. Come decorate my home! :)

  6. Calendars are on deep discounts right now, if you find one with a theme you like they work great!

  7. I like the re-do much better!

    You are lucky to have noticed the leaky plant! A leaker ruined a section of our 100 year old wood floor. = ( Maybe not ruined, but definitely too expensive to fix right now!

  8. That makes such a difference! I love it! The plant looked great as well though.

    I posted some pictures of my nursery on my blog. It's not quite finished, but you can see the progress! Thanks for your help!

  9. I'm totally going to be flamed for this but I LOOOOVE without the plant! Great job!

  10. I love both looks!! I love the chairs. So nice! it looks great!!

  11. I love the table bryn! I love your ideas. I posted that I need some help in my guestroom/office at my home. Do you think you can help me with some inspiration??

  12. I love the table bryn! I love your ideas. I posted that I need some help in my guestroom/office at my home. Do you think you can help me with some inspiration??

  13. That makes such a difference! I love it! The plant looked great as well though.

    I posted some pictures of my nursery on my blog. It's not quite finished, but you can see the progress! Thanks for your help!

  14. Stumled across you blog and it's great! I love the pictures hanging up in the corner, I never think to do stuff like that. Come decorate my home! :)

  15. Dont you love free changes in the house! Yours looks great. The chairs are really nice though did very good as always.


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