Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Update

I've been waiting to post an update on Charlotte because, well, everything has been so touch and go.

After my last post, Charlotte was progressively getting worse. We continued keeping contact with our vet, and even took her back for another visit, but when Charlotte started showing signs of paralysis we knew it was time to see the surgeon. Luckily, one of the best vet neurosurgeons in the US was located right here in Orange County, so off we went.

We got to the surgeon on Saturday and they immediately told us she needed to stay with them until the neurosurgeon got back from holiday on Monday. It was so sad not having her with us, but we went and visited her on Sunday.

Yesterday was the day of her surgery and everything went well! The surgeon was even able to do some preventative measures to help make sure this doesn't happen again. She will completely recover and be back to her old self very soon!

We've learned a lot through this whole process and this was a very personal, emotional road for us. Charlotte is like our child to us, especially since it will be years (or a decade?) before we do have children. We were faced with the decision that no pet owner ever wants to be faced with: surgery or the other option. We've been told by people, co-workers and people we love, that they would have chosen the other option, but for us it wasn't even an option. Yes, the surgery was very expensive. And trust me, it's not easy paying for it. Yes, some people may think that we are foolish for choosing it, but we couldn't put a price on how much joy, happiness and love Charlotte brings to our lives.

I still remember the first day when I rescued her. That night I looked her in her eyes and told her, "we're going to be together for a long, long time. For the rest of your life." And I meant that; and through all this I knew it wasn't her time to leave us. Perhaps if it was cancer, or perhaps if we had children, or if we had to go into debt, or if she was a little older we could have done the other option. But for us now, this was the right choice.

And with that, I'll leave you with some of our favorite photos of Char:

The day I adopted her. Summer of 2004, I was about to be a junior in college.

Hanging out on my bed in my college bedroom (ah my hair! lol) The magazine reads Feb 2005.

On our wedding day Sept 2007 "Charlotte, don't worry you're still my first love".

We always have someone who loves us to greet us when we come home.

She loves sitting on top of the hill and watching the cars drive by. Look at that smile!

No, she's not snarling, that's an underbite. And we love it!


  1. I love the picture of Charlotte and you in your wedding dress. Honestly, that's love to me. As a parent who has had to have surgery performed on her infant daughter, I understand the gamut of emotions that tear through you during that period of not knowing. And waiting.

    It's wonderful to hear that things went well for her. It's obvious that you have a strong attatchment and that makes this triumph even sweeter.

    My best to you and yours!

  2. I'm glad that everything went well! SHe is so adorable I don't know if I could have chosen the "other option" either...btw make sure to check out the give away on my blog if you get a chance...

  3. We spent quite a bit on our cat this summer and that was just for an infection, I can't imagine how much real surgery would have cost, but I would have done the same. I'm so glad for char that you didn't choose "the other option"! :)

  4. Oh your beautiful puppy and all the beautiful pictures! I, too, can imagine how painful and emotional of a decision that was to make. I'm glad you stuck to your guns and made a decision you are happy with and feel good about; that, too, is important!

    I'm so glad Charlotte is doing well, such good news!

  5. She's beautiful. I'm so glad to hear that she's going to be okay and that you'll have many more years to love her.

  6. I found your blog through the D&R board on the nest. (I'm a Padua bride, too!) I completely understand what you are going through. Last July, we paid just about $6000 to have our dog's ACL repaired. The surgery and recovery were heart wrenching (and exhausting). We received lots of judgement from other people about spending so much money on the dog. But now...6 months later she is completely recovered, and is back to the happy, playful dog she always was! I would do it again in a heartbeat. Good luck to you all in Charlotte's recovery

  7. I'm so glad to hear she's doing better and will be back to her old self! I too would have paid for the surgery... It's amazing the relationship you can have with a dog! Claire is like my baby girl. I often think about when we'll have kids and I hope that I won't push her to the side because I'll have human babies... I will pray that Charlotte continues to get better!

  8. I would make the same decision when it comes to my Sadie May. When I rescued her from the shelter she was so sick, and I had to put so much money in up from, but it was so totally worth it, and I would never hesitate to do it again. I hope she has a speedy recovery, and I can't wait to see new pictures of your beautiful, healthy, happy girl!

  9. I'm glad that Charlotte's surgery went well. I love the picture with her underbite. My Boston, Jewels, has a horrible underbite and it's one of her more charming qualities.

  10. I'm so glad she's okay. We would have done the same thing for our dog (who has a serious underbite as well). Dogs are the best!

  11. I just had to make the same decision for my Boston--expensive surgery or...the other option. I chose the surgery and he just came home today! Drugged up and in lots of pain, but he is with us and has good chances for recovery. I will keep your sweet girl in my thoughts!

  12. I am so glad everything worked out. I particularly teared up when you mentioned what you said to her at the shelter. I said the same thing to my Foxy. Someone said it best when they said "I didn't rescue my dog, my dog rescued me".

    I wish Char a speedy recovery!

  13. I think you made the right decision. I don't think I would have chosen the "other option." I am so glad that Charlotte will make a full recovery.

  14. Oh wow, you two have been through a lot together. I hope Charlotte is back to usual in no time.

    Oh, and Boomer Sooner, from one fellow alumna to another!

  15. I'm glad she's doing better. I too have a dog child and would do anything for my dog. I heart char's underbite! so cute!

  16. As a mommy to a 'million dollar cat' I totally get it. A few years ago (he is almost 17) I told him that I will do whatever it takes to make him happy and healthy in his old age, that he just has to let me know. It is just what you do when you have a pet.

  17. Your post made me cry! I am so happy that Charlotte is doing so much better- and that everything went great! But goodness.. it is sad to even think about having to use the other option.
    I have been in that sittuation- and.. I still have my big kitty! So I totally understand. Sometimes you can NOT put a price on a loved one.


  18. Those pictures made me cry, especially when combined with the update. I'm so glad that she was able to have the surgery, and I hope she improves ASAP and is back to her normal self. I'm so happy for you that things are working out.

    (sarahlindsay from the nest)

  19. Awwwww. Bryn. I loved this post the most. It was so heart felt. Although I dont have pets (my children want a dog so bad) I can understand your love because I have children. Heck if I didnt have the money for surgery I would damn sure find a way for my love. I wish you and your family the best. I am glad she is going to be okay. The pictures are so sweet! I love the "bite"...I wish my kids would keep their rooms clean and do their chores so that we could get a dog. Maybe in about 3 years.

  20. We had to make that choice in 2005 for our older lab and I have never regretted the amount we spent. There was no other options in our minds - he is ours forever and I would do whatever I could for him.

    I glad she is okay! You are a good pet mommy (and daddy!).

  21. Glad to hear everything went well! Our dog is like a member of the family too, so I can only imagine what the last few days have been like for you. I was glad to read the great news!

  22. She's so precious! Love the underbite!! :)

  23. Bryn, I'm so glad to hear that Charlotte is okay!! I don't think I could have chosen the other option either.

  24. Glad to hear the surgery went well!

  25. Wishing Char a speedy recovery She is a lucky one to have such great parents. Those who judge have no clue what it actually is to have a fur baby

  26. Aw so glad everything turned out well!

  27. I'm just now catching up on some neglected blog reading...

    I'm so glad that you chose the other option. Dogs and animals in general do become your children. They become the loves of your lives and without them there is an empty hole.

    I lost my kitty tragically in Aug 07 and I'm still having a hard time. There are just moments when you know what your animal would've been doing and if they aren't there it makes you miss them.

    I'm so glad that things went well and I can't wait to see more and more pictures of her as her time here continues!

    Oh and great job on rescuing her! It's the best thing for a pet!!! Go you!

  28. I went through the same thing with our dogs, sort of. They were both poisoned and when we got to the vet we had lost one already, but the other needed some pretty pricey evaluations and such. It was a pain to pay for, but SO worth it. He is back to normal today, I couldn't have imagined losing both pets on the same day.

  29. I am an occasional lurker who found you from dome of the the blogs I frequent.

    As a huge dog lover I felt I had to finally post...
    I am soo happy everything went well for Charlotte ( we have a Charlotte too). If I were in your same situation, I would have done the same thing!! Some people don't get how "the other thing" is just never an option for some of us (unless the dog is in pain of course).

    I loved the pictures of you and your baby! Thank you for sharing.
    And if you ever get a chance, you can check on my blog (around July) and see what happed to our family.

  30. I would have done exactly what you guys did! You just can't a price on your kids! My dog is my baby and I would have paid anything for that surgery had I been in your situation! I am glad to hear everything went well. Love the pictures!!

  31. Your heartfelt words really got to me and the pics of Charlotte are so adorable - I am so glad it is sounding positive. I think you made the right choice.

  32. Hi Bryn,
    So sorry to hear your gorgeous little dog Charlotte is ill, my pets are like my children too so I can understand your decision. So glad to hear she is doing better and I hope 2009 improves for you and your hubby.
    P.S You have a beautiful blog and the redesign looks fabulous (and quite brown to me on my mac)

  33. Don't worry, I would have paid any sum of money in the world to save my Izzy, so you are in good company. I know how you feel!

  34. Hi Bryn,
    So sorry to hear your gorgeous little dog Charlotte is ill, my pets are like my children too so I can understand your decision. So glad to hear she is doing better and I hope 2009 improves for you and your hubby.
    P.S You have a beautiful blog and the redesign looks fabulous (and quite brown to me on my mac)

  35. Your heartfelt words really got to me and the pics of Charlotte are so adorable - I am so glad it is sounding positive. I think you made the right choice.

  36. She's so precious! Love the underbite!! :)

  37. I found your blog through the D&R board on the nest. (I'm a Padua bride, too!) I completely understand what you are going through. Last July, we paid just about $6000 to have our dog's ACL repaired. The surgery and recovery were heart wrenching (and exhausting). We received lots of judgement from other people about spending so much money on the dog. But now...6 months later she is completely recovered, and is back to the happy, playful dog she always was! I would do it again in a heartbeat. Good luck to you all in Charlotte's recovery


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