Friday, January 9, 2009

Action for 2009

Whether or not you agree with her, Suze Orman is a well respected role model in the financial world. The husband and I personally love her, and have her shows on tivo. I always tell the husband if we ever want something extravagent, we will write into Suze's "Can I Afford It?" section of her show.

Well if you are a fan like I am (or even if you are not), you can now download her new book for FREE until Jan 15th, thanks to Oprah. It's all about how to deal with the current economic situation. Happy reading!


  1. I'm so glad you posted about this! We LOVE Suze too and I am so excited to download her book for free!

    Thank you!

  2. Found your blog via Urban Grace.

    Great post. My mother was counciling me on her last night. {I'm guessing she must have been on Oprah!}

    1 day a week no spending; 1 week a month no credit cards; 1 month a year no eating out.

    Check, check, check. We are on board!

    Fun blog!

  3. Thanks for sharing this link! I've been reading your blog for a few months now and love all your tips. Can't wait to begin reading the book.

  4. I love Suze, too. She makes everything seem so straight-forward. Either you can afford it or you can't. I'll have to check out her new book. Thanks for the tip!

  5. I love Suze!!! I'll have to check it out!! thanks for the post!

  6. Thanks for sharing this link! I've been reading your blog for a few months now and love all your tips. Can't wait to begin reading the book.


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