Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wheels are turning... [prints]

So, I was doing my morning blog roll, and my eyes came upon this pretty little image from Design Sponge via a life's design:

And I had an idea - what about botanical prints to pay homage to the plant that is no longer?

I googled "botanical prints" and then stumbled upon this questionable website (what's with the snowflakes?) with antique botanical prints. They do have some great eye candy, though. And if they really do have authentic prints from the 1700, 1800 and 1900's like they claim, then I'm in love! (because heck, if they aren't original prints, then you mine as well pay $10 for a calendar of botanical prints).

Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles Prints 1816 - 1829
Poppy - $65

{I love poppies, the state flower of California.}

Nature-Printed Seaweed by Henry Bradbury 1859
Taonia atomaria - $65

{Beautiful seaweed, I love the color of this print.}

Fruits of America Prints by C. M. Hovey 1852
Cherries - $135

{Out of my price range, but I just love the pops of red.}

Donovan's Naturalist's Repository 1823
Rackett's Cockle - $75

{Yup, not a plant. But perfect for an Orange County home.}

There are many many more, go check them out for yourself! And.... what do you think?


  1. This post may interest you in your search for artwork:

  2. Gorgeous. I would love to have ANY of those in our home!

  3. love botanicals!

    and very, very glad to hear your Charlotte is going to recover. I can't imagine what we'll do when we have to make decisions about our pets.

  4. I love botanicals. They don't scream, but echo style and class in whatever room they're placed in.
    And since your plant seemed to spark your inspiration, I think this may be your guts way of telling you this is the direction to go in.

    Best of luck, Bryn. I can't wait to see what you've chosen.

  5. Great selection! I am interested to see what you pick. And the home...I love! Thanks for the shout. I love your new layout and hope Charlotte is well soon.

  6. What a great find!! I just spent way too long on their website - there are so many amazing prints to chose from. I particularly enjoyed their selection of architectural prints. Hmmmm, I'm smelling a potential b-day gift request. Thanks for sharing!

  7. just beautiful. I LOVE botanical prints


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