Monday, January 12, 2009

Re-Org 2009.... On Hold & An Update

Charlotte came home on Saturday! Matt and I were soooo happy to have our dog child home with us. I know she was just as happy that she got to come home, her spirits really seem to be up and you can tell she missed us so much!

She's doing okay, but one thing we didn't expect was how she'd be [temporarily] paralyzed after her surgery for up to a month. She's currently living in a pen because her movement is restricted. It's actually quite a scene; let me paint the picture for you. We had an extra mattress that was being stored in our garage, so it's currently in our family room. We put our bedding from upstairs on it, and we've been sleeping downstairs next to Charlotte's pen. Her pen is set up literally next to our make-shift bed. Next to her pen is the kitchen. We've been living in this small NYC-sized living space for the last couple days and will continue to for a while! I'll be sure to post a picture of it soon.

Because Charlotte needs close monitoring, and help with a certain personal business, my Re-Org of 2009 has currently been put on hold until we can nurse her back to health. But don't worry - I will get to it as soon as I can, I actually can't wait!


  1. You are the best! I have never heard of such love and dedication for ones pet. This warms my heart Bryn. Yall are in my prayers.

  2. Bryn I have posted your interview. Thanks again for playing along with me during this stressful time.

  3. So glad to hear she's okay!! Hope she gets better quicker than expected. :0)

  4. YAY FOR PUPPIES COMING HOME!! I hope she feels better soon!

  5. oh I am glad she's home and I am sure with all the love and attention she'll be back to normal in no time!

  6. Charlotte is so lucky to have such loving doggy parents!

  7. That's super sweet of you and your H. Great doggie parents! : )

  8. Hi Bryn, so glad to hear the good news! I don't think I've ever commented before, but I found your blog somehow and have been following along for a couple months and really enjoying your decorating tips and style. The photo you posted of Charlotte with her underbite made me laugh because our pup also has an underbite, and people always think she's snarling at them! She was also a rescue, our "child," and I totally agree with your decision to pay for surgery - I would have done the same. Hope she just keeps getting better, kisses for her.


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