Friday, November 16, 2012

'Tis The Season... For Yummy Candles!

There are so many reasons why I love the Holidays, but one reason is... really awesome smelling candles!!!

Here are a few of my seasonal favorites :)

I just picked up this candle and it is awesome. It's a really great price point, and doesn't smell too Holiday. It smells warm and cozy and yummy.

I'm sure I've written about this one before, but it's one of my go-to cold weather candles. It's spicy smelling, but definitely doesn't smell Holiday. Great for burning when you're not quite ready to pull out your holiday candles.

We sell these candles at Isabella, and when I smelled the tester it wasn't love at first smell. However, I went into a house that had it burning and I have been obsessed every since!! It's pricey, but they last a while and it's just so good.  

The rosemary in this candle makes it smell cozy and winter-y, but it's still very fresh and doesn't smell like a Christmas Tree candle. 

When you're ready to break out the Holiday candles, this is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE EVER. It's become a tradition in my house. Yumm!

1 comment:

  1. If you love the Nest candles but are looking for a less expensive alternative, Target is carrying their sister brand. In my opinion, its just a tiny step down from the original Nest, but still fabulous. Just look for the Nest logo on the box


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