Monday, November 19, 2012

Cutting it close...

My in-laws are in town for Thanksgiving and MIL and I have been working on refinishing our dining room table... trying to get it finished before Thursday!

This table was given to us by our neighbors who moved across country. The top was originally a glossy poly and the poly had melted in the sun (a while ago). I've been meaning to refinish it for a while, and decided to get it done before hosting Thanksgiving.

We used this stripping gel to strip the original poly:

It worked like a DREAM! I highly recommend it!

I re-stained the table and I still have a couple more coats of poly to put on.... and I'm hoping it's ready to go by Thursday!!


Here is the very beginning of my Thanksgiving decorating...


Hopefully I'll be back SOON with pictures of my decorated (and finished) Thanksgiving table!


  1. Fabulous job and gorgeous table. Enjoy your holiday.

  2. WOW - it looks new! Great job!

  3. Love your chandelier! Do you mind sharing the source/where you got it?

  4. Hi, I'm so glad I found your blog. It's so beautiful. Full of inspiration! I look forward to follow you from now. You are welcome to visit my blog as well. :o)

    Wishing you a wonderful day!

    Regards from,

    Anette Willemine


  5. I would also like to know where you got ur chandelier. Thanks


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