Monday, May 7, 2012

In a perfect world....

In a perfect world, I would paint our floors white.

But here's the truth: I'm not brave enough.

The biggest reason that scares me is resell. Even though I am a decorator, I'm also very practical by nature (and I know it's one reason my clients chose me. I give them good looking yet practical spaces)  This isn't our forever home, I estimate around 5 more years max. And we don't live in a "hip" part of town where people with nose rings and tattoos will walk in and say COOL! We live in the 'burbs, and I can just imagine potential buyers saying "White floors?! What is this, Target??"

Then there is the cleaning factor. It's white.. and we have a dog, a cat and eventually someday a kid. Who knows how white floors would do with that combo.

I'm sure there are a lot of designers out there that would say "F--- it. I want white floors, and I don't care about the consequences". But I just don't think it's in me.

It's really a shame, though.... it would be an inexpensive and very pretty (see pictures above) update to our floors. I'll have to tuck the idea of white floors into my back pocket and pull it out again someday when we have a sunroom.


  1. I am considering painting the floors in a playhouse I'm working on and even that scares me a little! I think they are amazing but would be super scared to do it in my home too. Man, they are so pretty though!

  2. We have white tile floors in our kitchen.  It's a nightmare.  It may look awesome for 5 minutes right after they're washed, but as soon as you invite friends over the appeal is gone.  Everything shows on a white floor.  Don't do it.  Unless your an OCD clean freak or have a live in maid.

  3. Seriously....I am so practical, too, and have redone an entire house.  If you want white floors....just do it!  It's not like you want to do something super expensive.  FIgure out what the most durable finish is, and try it for a while.  If you hate it, what areyou out if you are thinking of replacing the floors anyway.  when you get to resale if a realtor says it's going to be a dealbreaker, get the new floors then.  Or if it doesn't end up being what you want, you could get new floors then.  I don't really see that you'd lose anything by painting.  There will NEVER be a better opportunity than a worn out finish on an engineered floor.

  4. Love your designs!  You absolutely must do the white floor thing with no regrets!  Life is too short.  I had a white sofa with 7 and 10 year olds and a dog jumping and playing on the thing for 13 years! It still looked good when we donated it, but  was just was getting a little wear.
    It was a special wash damask and if I could have found that same fabric I would have recovered it in a heartbeat instead of ordering a new sofa.  It will make you so happy.  I love the look.

  5. pretty pink tulipsMay 7, 2012 at 9:24 PM

    These are great images...and something tells me you will have that forever house and can paint the floors white, even in part of it, before you know it. I used to live in Charlotte so understand what you mean about making sure the house is ready for resell. 

    Have fun in your current home. I've lived several places where I thought I'd be there a long time, only to have my husband transferred. Enjoy where you are...and that might mean some white painted floors! :)

  6. I  went with a lighter, powdery gray a while back. Super practical, doesn't show dirt, and looked great.

  7. It would be stunning!! Life is short and you live there right NOW so make the most of it!

  8. It is a fabulous look, but I totally get your hesitation.

  9. I 100% agree with all the commenters that said go for it. You only live life once. And like Angela said, you are already considering re-doing all the floors anyway, so why not try the white first? If you hate it, you had to get them re-done anyway. And if you love it you keep it until you sell. Life is too short to wait on the things you know you want now.

  10. We painted our kitchen and breakfast room (which we use as an office ...) floors white. Well, white and Grant Beige big checkerboard. It had some NASTY peel-and-stick linoleum that HAD to go, but we eventually want to take hardwoods in there, but not until we are ready to full-on reno the kitchen, so we were going for a low-cost temporary solution. We pulled up the tile intending to clean up and paint the sub-floor, but half the room (??) had another layer of lino that was apparently put down with concrete or something equally permanent, so we ended up putting down big sheets of smooth plywood (for lack of the actual term) and painting that. I love the look, but I should have shopped around for a better paint choice. The guy who sold it to me said it would easily wet-mop without a sealant, but I think we needed poly on top. So yes, you do see the dirt (and scratches), but for a temp solution, it's perfect! Anything's better than what was there before *shudder*

  11. Bryn...don't think I wasn't scared.....and I am very practical.  BUT.....I have to tell you that after a year and 2 big dogs they have held up remarkably.  No places where it has worn off.....and seriously the dirt factor is about the same as my wood floors.  I looked at it this way....when I sell my house if the people don't like them, then when I move out and before they move in....they can change it!  So I get to enjoy it before then!

  12. In all honesty, no matter what type of floors you have with a kid, dog and cat you are always going to be cleaning them. So if you want white, go white! We have white tiles in our entry and kitchen and I love it.

  13. seriously... i just saw a boost mobile banner ad on your blog.  so ironic. :)

  14. My Mom and I painted her guest room floor white and it looks great. It would look even better if my parents didn't have two large labradors. You're right, in a perfect world white floors are amazing, in the real world they are a lot of maintenance. 

  15. I know what you mean about living in the suburbs and being restricted by what my work for resale.  I desperately want to wallpaper my powder room in a fun, graphic print, but we're planning on selling in 3-4 years, and I don't know if the conservatives in our area will go for it.  Do I or don't I????


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