Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Big Makeover At Our House

Although I've been talking about doing the upstairs bathrooms and the wood floors lately, we DID get a big makeover this week at our house, but it's not too exciting.

That makeover was our yard! I'm ashamed to say that as much as I work on the inside of our house, the outside of our house has been pretty neglected.

When we moved in, everything was pretty over-grown, then add two years of basic trimming to the mix and it was a disaster! I finally had enough and called some landscapers to come and clear everything out.

Some previous homeowner had a lovely idea to plant ivy everywhere (I'm being sarcastic here).




And here was the view from our kitchen breakfast nook:


 I'm so ashamed!!

AFTER (I'm sorry I didn't move the broom or the hose): 


And the new view from our kitchen breakfast nook, so much better! I knew there was some sort of decorative post underneath all that ivy, but I was pleasantly surprised to find out it was a birdfeeder! LOL! I need to go buy some birdfeed now..


I know, it's not a very exciting makeover but it was definitely necessary. My birthday is next week and my husband's is in June, so this is our present to each other. HOW ROMANTIC, right? Oh well, that's what being an adult and a homeowner is all about!

(I'm sorry the pictures are pretty bad, it's been raining like crazy here in Charlotte)

My next wish list for the backyard is to extend the patio out where the outline of the mulch is (excluding the area in front of the kitchen nook window), and obviously get a new patio set. The one in the pictures came with the house.. I'm not a fan. But I'd rather focus back on the inside of the house now ;) 


  1. Wow! And don't be ashamed. The before makes the after look even more amazing. That had to be a ton of work but the view from the indoors is gorgeous. 

  2. Great job! I love garden zhushing! You should link this over to Centsational Girls garden link party today!

  3. Bethany - Powell Brower HomeMay 9, 2012 at 10:41 AM

    awww look at the kitty too! great job bryn and matt!

  4. Ugh! I hate that ground cover stuff...ours has taken forever to get rid of. Your beds look great, definitely inspiring!

  5. Jean @ Flower HillMay 9, 2012 at 10:49 AM

    Looks great!  So much better!

  6. I HATE English Ivy! It is so difficult to get rid of. There is some in our (overgrown) neighbor's backyard that is trying to take over our fence. Such a pain!

  7. Wow! So much better! We have a ton of ivy around our home in Atlanta. I'm not a huge fan, but my hubs likes it. He's from Florida so I think he thinks it's a novelty. :)

  8. There is nothing scarier than ivy.  Nothing!

  9. Maybe I'm used to groundcovers as a good solution since I live in southern California, but to me the "before" just looks lush and green!  It's funny that the ivy ate the birdfeeder thought :)  It probably tries to eat the patio as the season progresses, huh?

  10. It might not be exciting, but doesn't it feel great when you look out the window!  We have landscapers coming to get us out of the overgrown jungle we bought....counting down the days (sure the neighbors are too!)

  11. Great job!   I was just toying with the idea of planting ivy alnog our back fence, but NO WAY now!  Any idea what type of trees those are along the fence.  LOVE.  

  12. Wow. No small project. I'm like you in that my yard is not nearly as cared for as my interior space. Hey, we can't be great at everything!! Enjoy your new cleaned out back yard!

  13. While it might not be too exciting, it really does make a difference! Its crazy that ivy took over and you didnt even know you had a birdfeeder back there- too funny!

  14. your yard looks gorgeous! i need to work on mine soon......i think you should totally grow some herbs in your garden...not only they look good...of course they will taste good too! We have an article about how to plan and plant your own herb garden..perhaps it could be helpful? Enjoy!


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