Wednesday, February 17, 2010

To Dye or Not To Dye?

I have an internal debate going on right now... so why not ask my readers for their opinions?

It's about drapes for our black bedroom. First, let me explain what I'm thinking... black walls obviously:

The bedding will be neutral in whites and ivories and maybe some colorful throw pillows.

I'm planning on throwing in this embroidered blue fabric into the room:

I love black and blue together.

So back to my internal debate. I can't decide whether or not I should go with green or neutral curtains.

I'm using these drop cloths for curtains. The genius idea comes from The Lettered College.

So option number 1 is to dye the curtains a kelly green color to result in something similar to this:

I have never dyed anything before but it seems pretty simple. I was planning on a box of kelly green with maybe a bit of dark green.

But I keep thinking - would neutral be better? The original canvas color with kelly green trim? Sort of like this:

So what do you think? I'd love your opinion!


  1. personally, i love the green! especially since your bedding will be neutral. i think the green will soften the black and make the bedroom cozier! love the blue fabric you picked out and the paint job looks wonderful!

  2. I say keep it neutral with trim, and then if you need more color, dye them!

  3. I agree, I think neutral with trim is what I would vote, but you can always dye them later!

  4. I say dye them! We recently dyed IKEA slipcovers bright purple and they turned out amazing!

  5. I like the idea of neutral with trim also. Kelly green velvet ribbon!
    Several years ago, I dyed some draperies. Because its so much fabric, it was more strenuous than you would think. By the time I finished, they didn't even seem that special but it was messy. I could have just bought some in a similar color at Target or Ikea, frankly. My husband asked me to please not do that again:-0

  6. I'd keep it neutral -- but since your leaning towards kelly green - can you dye a test strip, so you see how well the canvas takes the dye?

  7. Love the neutral with the trim! It really break up the solid color of the wall against the solid curtains. You have great taste , can't wait to see the final results!

  8. My vote is to dye them. Love the kelly green.

  9. Dye, dye, dye!

    Go for the bold green. That inspiration photo is going in my folder. If you don't do I might have too :)

  10. My immediate thought was "neutral"! But after seeing the picture with the green curtains - the green is stunning!

    Like the others, I'd maybe start by hanging up the neutral cloth and then dye it later if it doesn't work for you.

    And, if you do dye it, will you share tips with us? I've been meaning to dye some painters cloth for a while now, but have not been brave enough to try it yet!

  11. Eeeesh. Tough call. I almost feel like the natural tone will be too stark/bland with the rest. Like "HELLO" lots of pale curtains!! But maybe thats a good thing? I agree with the Mandee-Do the canvas first and see from there.

  12. Oh what great timing! I just took my drop cloths out of the dryer hoping to add trim to them for our bedroom. I comtemplated dying them as well but I'm opted to go with trim first and see how I like it. I'm sure your's will look fabulous whichever option you choose.

  13. I also like the neutral with trim idea. And like Mandee said you can dye them later if you need more color.

  14. Neutral with the trim, all the way! Dying that much fabric would be a total PITA, if you ask me.

  15. I love the idea of the neutral with the green trim! I think that will be a great contrast next to the black walls and will bring in color but not too much! Plus, the trim makes it look very sophisticated (which is perfect with your already sophisticated walls). Good luck!

  16. I like neutral (I have the drop cloth drapes in my master bedroom!)...

    But would love to see how they turn out when dyed!

  17. Another vote for neutral with kelly green trim.

  18. I agree with the others, neutral and then you can always dye them later. I think that your room is going to be gorgeous!

  19. I'd go with neutral with a green trim. I think the neutral curtains will really make the black walls pop. Good luck! Can't wait to see the results.

  20. Another one voting for neutral and dying later it doesn't look right.

  21. I vote for the neutral. My style would let the walls and the fabric you showed be the main statements. I feel like the green might take away from that. I am sure whichever way you go will look great!

  22. Based on the colored fabric that you showed, I think it would be best to dye them green. It seems that you want some color to balance the black walls, and this is a good way to make your colors tie together. Now, I found a great image of black walls with beige drapes:

    It's a lovely and elegant room, but there are really only 2 primary colors used. Again, based on the colored fabric that you've shown, I'm not sure this is exactly the look you are going for. I say, go green!

  23. I say go for it!! I mean they are not soooo expensive that you could not get new ones if needed AND if they come out great you know what you can do for clients in the future. I think its a win-win.

    Oh, and you MUST post photos of the process, green hands and all :)

  24. I agree with Carolina Eclectic, it would probably just be easier to buy green curtains than to dye all that fabric. I think they would be fun with some green velvet trim though!

    I had the exact same drop cloth curtains in my bedroom, but only left them up for about a week because they let in so much light (obviously because they are not lined). I need a dark dark room to sleep!

  25. love the trim, and i agree with others....if you want more, you can always dye it again!

  26. I'd go for neutral. That embroidered fabric is going to be beautiful with the black walls and neutral bedding!

  27. I think you should go with neutral and kelly green trim.

    I think the green dye would be a huge process and I don't think you would get that vibrant green you want. But I've never dyed anything so maybe try it with one panel since they are cheap and see how it comes out.

    I would wash those drop clothes a bunch of times before you hand them. They have a pretty strong smell when they come out of the package. I used a whole bunch of them in my office and I love them neutral.

  28. I agree with LindsB. It's not a huge investment to try them in green.


  29. I'm torn. I'd mix up your dye combo and see how it turns out.

    If it's a nice fresh shade of green (like and apple, or grass) I say dye 'em. But if they come out more of a hunter or velvet, I say neutral/trim 'em.

    A bright green would look great up against those black walls. A dark green would make it a little cave like, IMHO. But you just totally solved an internal dilemma I was having for curtains in OUR bedroom, so thanks! ;)

  30. I would do neutral with kelly trim personally - because I have a fear of color commitment... but you don't so I say do whatever you think would be fun!

  31. I think the green would be great if they didn't involve dying them yourself! I have visions of streaky-mess!

    That said, the neutral with a velvet tape would be gorge. Very luxe mixed with rustic. Plus that would work well with that blue crewel fabric you're using.

  32. i have just dyed a sofa slipcover..which is essentially a large drop cloth (it is PB's loosefit slipcover in natural). i dyed it charcoal gray. i did it in a big bucket (we're talking big here..the slipcover is enormous, would cover a king size bed completely) in the bathtub. when it came out it was a good color but really hard to get all the creases to the same strength of hue. in other words it is ever so slightly tie dyed. so my advice would be that you may have to do it a few times and while it is essentially easy it takes a great deal of power to constantly stir and "agitate" the fabric so that it gets into every nook and cranny and crease and fold. then you have to rinse...ugghh!! this is where it gets heavy. and then you have to wring it dry enough to get it to your washing machine to rinse it out completely. in other words dyeing huge pieces of fabric is a big pain in the ass. and to do more than's gonna suck. it's doable but sucky. in fact i had intended to dye 4 curtain panels myself but after the slipcover i said fuck it.

    the neutral looks splendid to me!!
    add some pretty trim.

  33. what color is your bedspread? if it's a neutral, for sure the green curtains!!

    if it's not a neutral....i still love the green :)

  34. I think both would look great, but given that it’s a very dark room, I’m going to cast my vote for the green trim. I suppose you could always end up dying it afterward if you weren’t happy with it – whereas you can’t undye curtains. :)

  35. option B! i think the neutral curtains will look great against the dark walls.

  36. neutral since your walls are black ... it will keep the room feeling larger. what about trimming the bottom in that blue fabric?

  37. Go green! The carpet is already a neutral color in the room, so spice it up!

  38. I happen to love color, so my initial vote would be for the kelly green. But I have experience with dying fabrics, and depending on what you use and how you do it you will get different results.

    I am not a fan of RIT, I prefer to use the real deal, but I also know that RIT you can essentially use in your washing machine, as opposed to a full on dye bath. Either way, I can't wait to see your finished product!

  39. i would go with the neutral shade with a rich trim for the window treatment...

    love the black walls and that should be the focal point.


  40. I would dye them kelly green and do it before you sew them. Most thread has poly content and it will not take the dye as well as the cloth, and I'm assuming you want it to blend in. Also, I'm assuming you don't want kelly green lining. Although that would be a look all on its own.

    Dying fabric is easy and I always find the results miraculous. Just make sure you have a large enough container to stir the fabric well. Good luck!.

  41. I vote for neutral with the green trim, it sounds fab!

  42. I think the green drapes are silk. so I vote for neutral, with a contrast band. I would love a stripe or even rattan blinds would be nice...

  43. I love the green. But with the black walls nuetral with trim may be better? You could try it and then dye later if it doesn't look right. What an awesome idea for curtains!!

  44. I dyed drop cloths a few years ago to make slipcovers for a sofa. I found the large volume of fabric was really hard to get evenly dyed. If you are okay with a mottled effect, dying is really cool. If not, I say keep them neutral and find a cool trim or grosgrain ribbon to trim them out.

  45. I vote green! It'll pull the blue fabric into the room and give a bit more color. Both great ideas, though!

  46. I think the green would bring a nice pop of color to the room!

  47. Because of the black walls and white molding, I'm voting for the neutral curtains with trim. You could tea-stain the fabric so it has a little more "oomf!"

  48. I love the idea of the green trim. Sounds like the canvas by itself will give a lot of tonal texture in the room with the whites linens. The green will be a nice little pop!

  49. If you've never dyed anything before......BEWARE! I would go keep it neutral and go with the trim. Start with a smaller dye project and work your way up to something big like curtains.

    You'll need to wash the curtains before you dye them to remove any chemicals that were added to the fabric during the manufacturing process and the drop cloths hang so much nicer when they are stiff in my opinion.

    If you decided to dye, buy way more dye than you think you'll need. You can always return it if you have too much. It will take a lot to get that deep saturated color you're looking for.

  50. My vote is to keep it neutral. You can always add green in other ways (pillows, lamps, etc.) The green against the black is really dramatic and I think the neutral would soften the harshness of the wall color.

    PS, I love that you painted your room black!!

  51. My vote is to leave them neutral. The green color is beautiful, but against the dark walls it may be too harsh. The neutral curtains would soften the wall color. Plus, you can add green in you accesories via pillows, lamps, etc.

  52. Hi... I have never left a comment on your blog before, but have been following it for some time now! :) I say leave them neutral with the green trim. I think it will compete too much with the black walls, and darken the room further. I design with black ALL the time... I am painting my doors high gloss black right now, but also believe there is a balance of color necessary with it.Check out the portfolio of Jessica Helgerson... she has a fabulous black and white house. Good luck!

  53. I think it completely depends on what you want the "mood" of the room to be. When I think of the neutral curtains with the black walls and the bed linens, the words "sophisticated," "calming/soothing," and "grown-up" come to mind. With the green, I think of "young at heart," "bright/eyes wide open," "sunshine." Obviously these are my free associations, but what do you want to see when you open your eyes every morning? When you go to bed at the end of the day? Either way, they are both great looks! :) Can't go wrong.

  54. Neutral. Fabric dye never works out perfectly; after a few too many bad experiences I steer clear of it. Besides, with dark walls I think you need light curtains. The contrast will be nice. Use green trim or edge them in a different green fabric at the bottom.

  55. I saw neutral w/ the green trim. Its already going to be dark w/ the walls so i think the contrast will be gorgeous!

  56. Colored trim on neutral curtains like that has been done, done, and re-done. Go for the bold!

  57. I definitely think you should keep the shades neutral. Green would be fun, but you might tire of it after awhile. Plus, you can always dye them later or even add trim.

  58. Another vote with neutral with fabulous green trim! Although I do love, love, love the green silk drapes in your inspiration photo!

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. my vote is for keeping them neutral.

  61. go with the green!

    can't wait to see the finished product.

  62. I vote green!! My only concern is how the curtains dye... love to hear your pluses/minuses on this project!!

  63. No earthly idea! I am amazed by the embroidered fabric you will introduce in the room. Spectacular! So , here is my disclaimer--I am the worst with picking colors. That being said, I can recognize a great combination when I see it. I would nix the green even on the trim. Yuck, too plaidy/preppy with the elegant fabric and black walls. It will take away from the blue black combination. Let the drapes be part of the background so the eye can focus on the beautiful fabric.....maybe I should stick to accounting :-)

  64. my vote is for neutral...but add an accent band (maybe even two or three) in a grosgrain or velvet ribbon. a beautiful dark green velvet ribbon would look awesome against the neutral curtains! maybe the panels could be layered with a green roman shade!

  65. The photo of the green drapes is gorgeous, but part of what makes them so lovely, I think, is the texture of the fabric which looks like a polished cotton. Your canvas will never look like that.
    I'd try the neutral drapes with trim which will look great ... and if later you really want green curtains look for a fabric with some reflectivity.

  66. the kelly green with the black walls, neutral bedding and beautiful accent would ooze luxury and interest.

  67. I vote neutral. Try trimming the curtains with velvet ribbon using the old iron-on stuff which works beautifully. I have also used a dropcloth as tablecloth with various runners, especially in the fall. I washed it a couple of times, put in the dryer for 10 minutes and then spread it on the lawn for the final drying and softening - works!

  68. I'd love to know where you purchased your drop cloths from. I have purchased two different types of cloths from Lowes and both have had seams cutting the "curtain" in half horizontally.

  69. Just keep in mind that those dropcloths are impossible to iron. I couldn't get my iron hot enough to tackle the wrinkles leftover from drying them! You'll have to steam them one you're done.

    I vote you dye them for sure.

  70. the kelly green with the black walls, neutral bedding and beautiful accent would ooze luxury and interest.

  71. go with the green!

    can't wait to see the finished product.

  72. I love the green. But with the black walls nuetral with trim may be better? You could try it and then dye later if it doesn't look right. What an awesome idea for curtains!!

  73. I vote for neutral with the green trim, it sounds fab!

  74. Go green! The carpet is already a neutral color in the room, so spice it up!


THANK YOU for taking the time to share your thoughts. I appreciate each and every comment.