Thursday, February 18, 2010

Shattered - Farewell Dining Room Table

Yesterday we learned that our dining room table base shattered in a million pieces during the move. The movers were the ones to pack it, so we're working with the company to see if we can get a reimbursement.

But now it has me thinking about a new dining room table. The table was not something I would have picked out myself but it was gifted to us. But I grew to sort of like it.. I liked the airy-ness of the glass top. Here is a picture:

Unfortunately, it was the perfect size and shape for our apartment "dining room".

Now here I am wondering what are we going to replace it with? I've searched for other bases but they are either extremely ornate or extremely expensive, or both. Who knows how much we'll get back for the table if anything.

Anyway, this unfortunate situation has got me looking at inspiring dining rooms trying to figure out what we could do to "hold us over". We don't want to invest too much in a piece until we buy a home and know what kind of space we are working with.

I think I may just go with old faithful:

Ikea DOCKSTA - $149

I love that it can be used with more traditional furniture and still feel perfect for the space:

I love it in Lauren's space:

Another option is a round wooden pedestal table, found pretty much anywhere. I could get one off of Craigslist, especially here in the south :) Here is one up right now:

I could paint it black which would be an easy fix:

Or I could be brave and try and lime it, like this gorgeous table in Country Home:

Honestly, I have no idea what I'll do! I'm too concentrated on unpacking... if you could only see our apartment right now. The funny thing is, I think at least 50% of the boxes are labeled "decor".

Also, thanks SO much for everyone's feedback yesterday! I decided to........ GO NEUTRAL! Especially after putting all the furniture in our bedroom yesterday, it really shrunk down in size. I need something light and airy to make it look a bit bigger. Thanks for your feedback, you had very very good points and advice for both sides.


  1. You have a such a good eye, Bryn. I love how you see something used and old and figure out how to put a fresh spin on it!

  2. You pick out that "tulip" knock-off all the time! Personally, I'm more into the look of the other painted black, but you might be happier with the other, especially during this time of loss... :)
    SO glad you're going neutral on the drapery!

  3. i always say "everything happens for a reason!!" check out, they have a couple of inexpensive COOL options. :)

  4. Glad you decided to go neutral with the curtains and I am so sorry about your table - that really sucks! Do you have renters insurance? Your table would be covered under that policy if the moving company won't compensate you for it. Worth looking into. Hope the rest of your things made the trip!!

    PS. For the replacement, I like the ikea option (cheap, easy, quick is totally my style)!

  5. Oh no! That table base was gorge.

    Even though I love the mod white tables in concept, its a little bit blah if you put it in an white apartment. But I know you could style it perfectly. Looking forward to seeing what you pick.

  6. I'm always a fan of classic furniture that will last, so I'd say go for a pedestal table from Craigslist!

    But, if you do go that route, make sure the table won't wobble when you have people sitting on opposite sides! Especially when any leaves are in it. My mother's pedestal table wobbles like a see-saw and it makes eating at it a bear!

  7. I'm currently lusting after a round limed wood pedestal table myself. If you go small enough, it could work in a couple of different ways later in life.

  8. I purchased a round wooden pedestal table from Craigslist last year and have been waiting to find something wonderful to do with it. When you say "lime" it, what does that mean? I love the natural look of it, but I don't understand the process of making it look like that. Would you share your great furniture wisdom? :)

  9. Lime it! It may require more work but I think in the long run you would be happier with the table and could always repaint it when you grow tired of it.

  10. I just tried to dye that exact drop cloth and it didn't work out. The color was really weird in the creases and I just ended up throwing it away. If you do ever end up dyeing a drop cloth, I need a good tutorial!

  11. Can't wait to hear what you decide. We have a pedestal table just like the one you posted from Cragislist. I recently repurposed it (without the leaf) to be my bedside table. I am loving it!


  12. I had to laugh when I read your comment about lots of pedstal tables "here in the south." That's exactly where we got ours--on Craig's List too to boot! We bought ours in Wilmington (about 4 hours South East of you) for $40. It's a nice little beach town if you're ever looking for a quick getaway! ;)

    We've had small places and large places and the ability to add or remove the leaflet is so helpful. Much as I love IKEA, a pedestal table is very timeless! Oh, and currently, our's is black. :) You can see it here:

  13. I am sorry to hear about your table! But I love the Ikea one as well!

  14. I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason and the tables that you have in mind are super, still round, and either are perfect, I love the tulip table but the black base looks fun. I look forward to seeing what you find or rather the table that finds you!

  15. I'm sorry to hear about your table! I think I would go for the ikea one, seems like a great deal for a limited period, unless you have the time to work on a used table to paint etc.


  16. Do you have to go round? You could probably build something very custom feeling for super cheap (have the cuts done at Home Depot or Lowes):

  17. So sad about the table! We have that white saarinen ikea knock-off at work....don't get it! It's really wobbly and the top chips easily, and the the base gets really dirty easily from hitting your shoes against it! I sound like such a downer! Anyways, I like your craigslist finds better!

  18. Love the Docksta, but before you set it up, spray paint the base with a glossy white and then give it a top coat of clear lacquer. The base is a rougher texture than the table top out of the box and shows footprints or little food spills easily without my little fix ;)

  19. get a docksta for the time being...then wait to find something you love. as a proud owner of a wooden pedestal table (though mine is very very old) i can say that this table is very versatile. i love mine. needs a new leaf, but other than that it is pretty. id love to lime mine!!!

  20. I say go for the pedestal table on Craigslist too, and either paint it or lime it.

    Also - the moving company should no question reimburse you for breaking the table. Don't let them dismiss it.

  21. I think you should try to find a new base to use the glass with. I always drive by an antique radiator dealer outside of Boston, and admire the circular ones that are just sitting in the yard. They'd make an awesome table base. Here's a picture of one I found on flickr:

  22. I love the idea of a black pedestal table, and especially like that the inspiration picture you posted has a glass top. If your existing top could go on a table, it would be such a great look.

    Good luck!
    PS. If the moving company doesn't give you anything, you might check and see if your renters insurance will cover it.

  23. I saw go w/ the tulip table! Chinoiserie Chic posted about this table today actually :) check out the pics! it may just inspire you.

  24. I love where your black room is going! As for table, there is something about the acanthus table at Ballard designs that I think can be very chic. I used that white table in an office space and they called me within weeks to replace it because the base was getting so dirty (from shoes) and the plastic was hard to clean. For modern, don't forget about the Platner table though I can't imagine paying that much and I don't know of a good replica. But it's just such a chic round table!

  25. I believe this is the first time I'm commenting, but I love following your blog!

    My vote is for the Ikea table! It's white, light and the price is right. It also seems like a great versatile piece that you could use in other rooms once you have more living space.

  26. A craig's list table limed for sure. Looks so much richer. The moving company is responsible to reimburse you for the broken table since they packed, moved, and unpacked. Sure it is covered by the insrance and should have been part of your moving agreement. Stand firm

  27. aww I'm so sorry to hear that! I really like your idea about finding on on Craiglist. It would be so great to fix one up and really make it your own. Plus, it would be a great way to advertise your amazing DIY skills! :)

  28. I believe this is the first time I'm commenting, but I love following your blog!

    My vote is for the Ikea table! It's white, light and the price is right. It also seems like a great versatile piece that you could use in other rooms once you have more living space.

  29. get a docksta for the time being...then wait to find something you love. as a proud owner of a wooden pedestal table (though mine is very very old) i can say that this table is very versatile. i love mine. needs a new leaf, but other than that it is pretty. id love to lime mine!!!

  30. I am sorry to hear about your table! But I love the Ikea one as well!


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