Monday, February 8, 2010

Random Thoughts with Random Pictures

I feel like since Thursday when the movers came I've been so disoriented. Not in a bad way, but moving to the other side of the country into an apartment and being reunited with the husband after months has really disheveled me, again not in a bad way at all. Like I was used to a certain routine and now everything about that routine has changed and I'm adjusting to a new one. My old life consisted of working 9-5, being alone the rest of the time while working like a mad woman on three interior decorating projects that I needed to wrap up (for the most part) before I moved. Now I'm here and learning to take the dog out regularly (she's been soo good!), living with someone else again (oh how I missed him!) and being my own boss.

I owe a ton of you emails, and I am sorry. Today is my first official "work" day and I plan on getting back to as many people as I can. And in between, I'll be putting up fresh coats of paint!

So to go with my random thoughts.... some random pictures:

I threw out all my old pillows during the packing process (it was time!) so I went to Tuesday Morning to buy some new ones. While I was there I found...

The COOLEST Pantone mugs and a pear terrarium. The pear terrarium was only $8 and they also had apples, oranges, and all different sizes. The mugs were $3. I got four total Pantone mugs, and I just love them so much. They remind me of my college graphic design classes.

As I mentioned earlier, we have no furniture except for one IKEA chaise and a blow up air mattress. Here is the current state of our apartment:

I can't believe I'm sharing these pictures... but I know I'm going to look back and laugh at this. My husband and I eat together on that tiny little table, me on the chaise and him in the chair. And yes, there is a sheet on the chaise. My husband put it there when he first moved out here and we have yet to take it off. It makes me laugh just writing this. But it will just make for better "afters". ;)

We did manage to buy a bed for Charlotte so that's where she's been.. can you see her?

Okay now on to the fun part...

Black paint! I only did two samples and I'm going with the one on the right. It's Home Depot's BEHR color match of Benjamin Moore's Onyx. See how it's a bit richer and less purple than the one on the right?

There it is on a different wall.

We're lucky to get so much light in the apartment, or else I wouldn't be painting the room black.

Okay, off to emails & painting!


  1. How exciting! It's always fun starting out with a new space :)

    Those mugs are GENIUS. I'm going to have to find a Tuesday Morning {we just moved here} this weekend and see if they have any!

    Good luck with the decorating ~ can't wait to see the walls painted black! Loving that look right now!

  2. Can't wait to see the afters! It's so nice that your main living area is painted those tan colors....the builder white really gets old after awhile.

  3. I am so excited for you! Thank you for taking us on this huge adventure.

    Your apartment is actually really nice. You're going to enjoy it.


  4. Ooh, those are great mugs! I havn't been to Tuesday morning in forever...I'll have to stop in there :)

    Your place is going look great - love all the light your windows provide

  5. i've had to start over a couple of times myself. i think it's kinda fun and full of adventure. you'll def look back and have some great memories. ;)

  6. Can't wait to see your black bedroom once it's all complete. I'm sure moving into an apartment from a house is quite a transition but once you decorate and work your magic, it'll feel just like home. Good luck with everything!

  7. I can't wait to see what you do with the apartment! It will be so fun to watch it progress! I'm also excited to hear about your adventures as a new self employed worker!!! I've always wanted to do that so I'm rooting for you!

  8. Wow, the apartment looks like a beautiful blank slate for you to make beautiful! Congrats on the move and being back with your husband! What a relief! Good luck with getting everything in place and getting used to your new home.

  9. So excited for what is to come! And don't feel embarassed about your "before" pictures - my hubby is in Newport sleeping on an air mattress in an empty apartment as well! :)

  10. Can't wait to see the after pics of your black room!

    Also, I saw those mugs at a fancy paper store in my town (Broadway Paper). You got a steal!

  11. I totally know how you feel about moving. My husband and I have moved 5 times in four years and its so hard each time. I hate those first few days of living out of boxes, trying to find your way around town and figuring out your new schedule. What a great adventure for you though. And I love the black!

  12. I cant wait to see the wall when your done!! :)

  13. I'm so jealous; I love those Pantone mugs!!! You'll have to tell me what Tuesday Morning, and if there are more!

    I love the black walls! My husband painted our garage dark brown this weekend. It was a beast, but it looks great!

    Do you need to borrow anything until your furniture arrives? Let's do coffee or something soon!

  14. Those mugs are sooo cute - love them.

    At least when you have no furniture it makes it a snap to clean the place up. Just looking on the bright side.

  15. You got an awesome deal on the mugs! I just saw a full set on Uncommon Goods for about $20/piece. So cute.

  16. Love it! You DO have a lot of light - that's awesome! The first thing I do when I move is get my dog set up, too. I totally get that :)

  17. i hope you plan on staying in that apartment a while! painting over what you just painted 12 months later is a b**ch! i can't imagine how it will be w/ black paint!


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