Monday, February 8, 2010

1 down... 4 to go.

Wow. Black paint is very very time consuming. At least I got the primer + paint in one from Behr (the coverage is great enough to convert me from Lowes, oops).

Am I crazy for painting black in a rental? Yes. Is it worth it? Absolutely (so far). And as my hands and arms start hurting and I look at the rest of the huge yet-to-be-painted walls, I think "the more I make this apartment like home, the longer we'll stay, the bigger the down payment for a house, the better the house we can get".


  1. ooooh! i love it. it looks so silky. and i totally agree about making rentals feel like home!

  2. I LOVE the black walls! I want to do that in our next place for sure. Gorgeous!

  3. I am telling myself the exact same thing about the rental my fiance and I are moving to next week. We're moving from our grad-student apartment to a more "grown up" apartment and I'm all about really making it our home so we will want to stay there for awhile as we save up for a down payment on a home.

  4. I'm loving it so far! Can't wait to see how it turns out!

  5. I admire your courage for such a bold color!!! I look forward to seeing the completed project!!!!

  6. You are fearless! Looks beautiful so far, can't wait to see what you do with it!

  7. this looks so good! i can't wait to see the finished product.

  8. love it! I miss my black bedroom in my last house

  9. already to painting?
    you move fast!
    you are going to love "onyx"!
    it's my favorite if you couldn't tell---i used it to paint all the first floor interior doors, kitchen cabinets, basement ceiling, and study walls in our last house! it's a GREAT black.

  10. Very exciting and yes, daring in an apartment!! Looking forward to seeing the next steps! Janell

  11. oooh, it looks velvety and good. I can't wait to see all four walls!

  12. I used Bayer with the primer in it this summer and was pretty happy with it - which room is it that you are painting black?

  13. Love the black! Kudos for being a DIY painter. I painted a room in my house this weekend, and my arms are still hating me for it. I feel your pain!

  14. Are you painting the entire apartment black!? I am getting so excited!! I heart living vicariously through your design awesomeness!

  15. I ♡ black. painted my guest bath black and it is my favorite! can't wait to see the finished room:)

  16. It looks wonderful. Well done. I look forward to seeing it finished!

  17. i love the black! you're making me feel like the biggest procrastinator ever....i've been meaning to paint my bedroom charcoal gray since october, i still have a huge gray swatch painted on my wall, it's actually kind of pathetic!

  18. I love the bold use of black. Can't wait to see how it looks when all finished. Def. make the place as much a home as you can.

  19. I love it! Cannot wait to see how it turns out! And am somewhat jealous, I love darker walls, we've bought our first home and I am still too afraid to take the plunge!

  20. So far, that only wall looks A-Ma-Zing!!!


  21. It's stunning so far. I too can't wait to see the end result.


  22. Love the black. We have one coffee wall in our bedroom with the rest medium gray. It really stands out!! Good choice!

  23. Very exciting and yes, daring in an apartment!! Looking forward to seeing the next steps! Janell


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