Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Big Announcement : Part 2

So what exactly prompted me to leave my day job? Well....

Part 2 of the Big Announcement is:

Yup! North Carolina, here we come! And yes, our dog Charlotte is coming with us to Charlotte, North Carolina. Is it fate? Perhaps!

This was a great opportunity that came up through my husband's job. A relocation with the same job he does now (which he loves) and the same pay, which is a big plus considering NC is much less expensive than Southern California. This was one of the huge deciding factors for us. We'll be able to live comfortably and this opportunity will allow me to work from home doing what I love to do - decorating and design. And have I mentioned NC is the furniture mecca of the US? I know I'll be right at home!

The game plan is for me to set up shop in our humble apartment doing interior decorating and design full time. We'll be living in the apartment for one or two years and then we'll (hopefully) be purchasing a home. We have visited Charlotte and we absolutely LOVE IT. I've longed for seasons, trees, inexpensive gas and groceries. And RAIN! I miss rain so much! And Hobby Lobby! Charlotte has all of the above and so much more. We've spent too much money trying to survive here and it's time for us to live the simpler life. As I have said, it's such an amazing opportunity. We are blessed.

So guess what this means?

I'm now taking local clients in the Charlotte area!

I am willing to travel up to two hours around the area. Because I'll be new to the area and will need new clients, I'm offering 25% off all my services to local clients. Email me for more info :) Also, since I'll be doing my thing full time, I'll be taking on even more e-decorating clients and offering some fun new services (more on that later).

If you don't need my services but still live in the area, I'd also love to hear from you! We don't know hardly anyone out there, so I'd love to connect with fellow bloggers.

My moving day is set for Jan 29th.

And for those of you who are wondering, YES I am still painting our bedroom at the apartment BLACK! In fact, you'll be seeing TONS of DIY projects and posts about how to make the most out of what you got (like our terribly boring builder beige paint in our new apartment).

Thanks for the support everyone, it means so much to me!

And an extra special thanks to my loving, supporting husband. He's my backbone and my best friend. Without him, none of this is possible! Did you know he's already out in Charlotte? I miss him a lot!


  1. Congrats!!! What a wonderful set of announcements!! Best Wishes to you and your husband.

  2. WOW Bryn, congratulations! I'm doubly excited for you. First in following your dream career AND the big move. You'll love Charlotte and be right at home I know. What an exciting new year for you!



  3. I'm in central NC and I LOVE it! Thrilled for you!

  4. Awesome! I live just outside of Charlotte, welcome to the area! Btw love your blog!

  5. What exciting opportunities for both of you! Congrats!

  6. Wow, congrats! That's very exciting. Welcome to the East Coast, it's a lot of fun. :) I'm in MD so I don't know anyone in NC, but if you're ever up north you'll have to let me know!

  7. Congrats! I love NC and spent a lot of time there (went to school in VA while my sister went to NC). Anyway, the best part of NC is their beaches!! Outer Banks is the BEST! We make the trek from NJ to OBX every August and it's just pure wonderfulness.

    Best of luck hun!

  8. I did a similar move in 2008. Oakland, CA to Raleigh, NC. Life is SO MUCH easier here, I"m sure you will love it.

  9. How very exciting! Best of luck to you on this new beginning. I look forward to following along.

    By the way, I love the "look" of your blog. It's fabulous!


  10. Congratulations on the big move. We just moved to Charlotte mid-2008 from San Diego, so if you need any pointers on the area I'd be happy to help out. We ended up buying new-construction home in Rock Hill SC, 20 minutes south of Charlotte. Property tax in SC is about half what you will pay in Charlotte, and gas is about 20 cents cheaper as well. You will find new construction here is actually more affordable than purchasing an older home, and with the $8000 tax credit it's even more attractive. Best of luck with the move and the new business venture!

  11. Congrats!! Charlotte is absolutely fantastic....I lived there for 5.5 years. I just moved back to Buffalo, NY (my hometown) because we had a baby and it was just time for us to get back near our family. HOWEVER, we loved Charlotte! It's so gorgeous there! Will your husband be working uptown? I don't know if you already have plans for where you are going to live but I highly recommend northern Charlotte, near Huntersville or Concord. Good Luck with everything!!! :)

  12. Congrats on your big move! Way to follow your dreams. I'm excited to follow your journey.

  13. Yeah! I'm so excited for you. I've read your blog for quite some time, and I'm happy for you and your next big step.

    My husband and I recently relocated to NC, we live about 40 minutes outside of Raleigh, so 3+ hours away from Charlotte.

    Best of luck in 2010, you'll do great!!!

  14. Bryn, that is so beyond exciting!! I am so happy for you and your husband on this new adventure- it is sure to be exciting and rewarding! I can not WAIT to hear all about your DIY projects for your new place and what you have in store in NC. Yeah again, and congrats!!!!!

  15. Charlotte is a wonderful place to live!! I live in NC, on the coast but travel to Charlotte often to see family & friends and also shop for cliets & myself. I'm sure you will love it! and what wonderful news that you will get to do what you love now, very exciting! Good luck with the move and getting started in NC! Welcome!

  16. OMG...you will love Charlotte!! I've lived here in the Queen city for almost 5 years and LOVE it!!! Welcome!!!

  17. Congratulations. How exciting! I know you'll do amazingly well no matter where you are.

  18. so exciting! hop on over to raleigh to visit, too -- would love to meet you!

  19. I'm not sure I have ever commented before, but I'm an NC native and here in the Queen City if you have any questions about the area. Good Luck with the move.

  20. That's awesome news! You will love it down there, I have dreams of living in SC, and maybe someday it will happen. You will be shocked at how affordable it is down south. And not to mention the fabulous food and southern hospitality.

  21. I had to pop out of my google reader to write a comment- yay for you!!

    this move is really exciting and i wish you nothing but best with it. i have a lot of faith that you guys will build a beautiful new life in charlotte.

  22. Congrats on the move! Welcome back to the south.

  23. Congraulations Bryn, that's awesome! We moved out of CA almost 3 years ago and everything you highlighted is definitley a plus, but I still do miss CA ;). I can't wait to see your new apartment, I bet it will look amazing.

  24. Those ARE two huge announcements! I think that it's great that you'll be on the East Coast now! You'll love it I'm sure!

    I don't live in the area but I think what you are doing is great! I also hope that you get some new clients through this blogging network we have around us!

    Good luck to you and bummer about your husband already being there... That's got to be hard!

  25. How exciting, and once again brave and inspiring! Good luck to you and your husband!

  26. Congratulations! Best wishes on the move!

  27. Congratulations! I lived near Asheville, NC for several years and loved it. Luckily for me my in-laws live in Winston-Salem so we get back there at least once a year. You're going to love it!!

    Good luck with your new venture. I have a feeling you're going to be very successful :-)

  28. Congrats, Bryn! That is such an awesome opportunity for you! Is it going to be strange to live on the other side of the country? I know you will do well! Good luck!

  29. congratulations! and you're going to love the South :)

  30. So happy for you! 2010 is going to be a great year! Good luck and best wishes to you both!!! :) Now you get to decorate a new home for yourselves! YAY!

  31. congrats, bryn! my bff from college and her family live just outside of charlotte and they LOVE it--great quality of life. she's been trying to get us to move there, but i'm too staunchly a northeast girl to even think about it! ;)

  32. wow, congrats on your husband's new job and moving to a new city! best of luck to you with your new career too :-)

  33. Yay! So glad it's "official." Can't wait to meet in person :)

    You are cracking me up about Hobby Lobby, btw. I do love it, too, though.

  34. what fun! Charlotte is a great city -- on our "we could live here one day" list!

  35. Congrats Bryn!!!! That is great wonderful news, I wish you the best of luck and I know you will do great.

  36. Congratulationson the big move, Bryn, and welcome to you and your husband. The Queen City is happy to have you.

    Maybe we'll see you around!

  37. Congratulations! I love reading your updates and find your blog very inspiring! I was so excited to read that you would like to start doing ideas for those of us that rent and are surrounded by beige walls. I can't wait to see all of those apartment ideas! Again, congrats!

  38. Welcome to NC! You'll love it here! Charlotte is great with tons to do, we visit friends quite frequently there.

  39. Congrats Bryn! What an exciting and rewarding adventure you are about to embark on!!! It feels great to work full time at what you love, and focusing on being creative~


  40. Congrats on your move. I wish you the best for 2010.

  41. Wow that's great, I love reading your blog so it will be fun to hear about your new location and porjects! This will be a big move but so worth it. I live in No. Cali and it can get pricey here - I know how much So. Cal is super dupa pricey.... :)

    Congrats on the move! Wow its just around the corner

  42. That's so exciting! Good luck! Hopefully it will warm up so you are not moving out there in 25* weather!

  43. Congrats on the big move! I'm very excited for you and can't wait to see what Charlotte has in store for you and Matt.

  44. SO exciting... of course, I can't wait to hear more!

  45. Congratulations on your exciting new adventure!

  46. congrats! and you'll be closer to meares!!

  47. What an exciting new development! Good luck with the move, and with your new work. You'll fit right in in the South, I think.


  48. What an exciting time!! I'm so excited for you! Please, keep us up to date on everything!

  49. Congrats Bryn! Charlotte is lovely! I'm about 3 1/2 hours from Charlotte, would love to meet up sometime!

  50. Congratulations on your new job! I wish you lots of luck!

    Do what you love, and love what you do!

  51. Congrats, that's exciting! I have enjoyed following your blog. I live in Charlotte and LOVE it! I know you will too! Best wishes!

  52. Welcome to NC! I've been following for a while now, but this is my first comment. I live in Durham and I just went to a fabric store off of I-85/I-40 and thought, Bryn would love this place! Weird I know, because I've never met you, but they had some of the fabric you'd been looking for in the past. Now you can go! It's in the old Loomcraft location and they have a TON of home decor fabric for cheap! I just got fabric to make duvets and pillows for my sister-in-law. My dream is to also do what you are doing...if you ever get to Durham, shoot me an e-mail...gswartzlander at yahoo dot com.


  53. Congratulations! We look forward to having you on the East Coast! Charlotte is an absolutely beautiful area, as you know. Best wishes and God's blessings!


  54. Charlotte is sooo beautiful! I went there over the summer and fell in love! :) I'm totally jealous! Plus, they have a fabulous mall with a Madewell!

  55. Congrats Bryn! I know you've been waiting on something like this to happen for some time now.

    You are going to love it!

  56. CONGRATS! I'm from Charlotte and I think you are going to LOVE it there.

  57. Although I hate that your leaving the OC as I am entering, I really think you will be amazing in Charlotte! Mazel tov Bryn!!!

  58. Congrats!!! What a great move for you!!! Charlotte is an amazing city with great opportunity for design!!! You will do very well there!!!! Best wishes for you and your husband!!

  59. Congrats!!! What a great move for you!!! Charlotte is an amazing city with great opportunity for design!!! You will do very well there!!!! Best wishes for you and your husband!!

  60. Much Congrats! I went to highschool in a city right below Charlotte, fort mill south carolina. Charlotte truly is a fun and dynamic city!!!!

  61. Congrats, Bryn! What an exciting time in your life! Big changes are so much fun! I have a girl friend from high school that lives in NC, but her hubby is transferring to DC so they won't be there much longer, otherwise I'd introduce you-she's great!

  62. Holy relocation, Batman!!! Congrats, bryn!!!! Still not at all near Boston, but maybe its slightly closer?!!! Good luck getting packed up and moving. And best wishes for starting a new life somewhere exciting:)

  63. I live in Charlotte and I'm so excited you're moving here! I've wanted to use your services and have been so sad that you were in California. So sign me up as your first Charlotte client!

  64. I'm jumping up and down - Can't wait to meet you. Let me know if you need anything. sooooooooo excited for you and the changes in 2010! :)

  65. Congrats!! I think you're going to LOVE it in Charlotte. It's always rated as one of the best growing cities and best places to live. Having just moved out of SoCal myself (to Portland) I can honestly say I haven't looked back. I love the seasons and am amazed at how nice people are...good luck on you new adventures (and business ventures!)

  66. How exciting, congrats! My husband and I have been thinking about moving to Charlotte, so in the meantime I'll be living vicariously through you :) Look forward to seeing your portfolio.

  67. Congratulations! I'm so excited because I'm in the 2 hour range!! Welcome to the South!!

  68. Yay!!! Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you. Charlotte is so much fun.

  69. congratulations! that is so exciting! I'm happy for you!

  70. Congrats Bryn! I hope things go well for you and Matt in NC!!

  71. Bryn, I'm so excited that you've announced the big move! Be in touch and we'll have to definitely meet up when you get into town; let me know if you've got questions, I'm happy to try and help if I can. Congrats again!!

  72. Hi Brynn, its nestie lyradelmar from the D&R board. Albeit I haven't been a regular on the Nest for awhile, when I have a chance I read through some of the former nestie blogs, including yours. I really like the direction your taking with this blog and want to wish you the very best on all your future endeavors. Congratulations on the big move and welcome to the East Coast:)

  73. That is so exciting! Congratulations on your big move, you will love NC. If you get the chance I highly recommend checking out the beaches (Outer Banks). My husband and I live in VA but we head down to the Outer Banks almost every weekend during the the summer/fall.

  74. congrats! charlotte is a great city! i'm sure you'll love it!

  75. Welcome to Charlotte! We can't wait to see you at the store!

  76. Yay! I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to read all about your journeys.

  77. Cool! You'll love it here, no doubt! We live right outside of CLT.

  78. Congratulations to you both! 2010 is going to be an exciting year!

  79. CONGRATULATIONS! And welcome to Charlotte! You're going to love it here. Let me know if you have any questions about the area. :-)

  80. You are going to LOVE it! I lived there for 3 years and still would be there if we hadn't gotten relocated ourselves. South Park-great shopping, Matthews-great small town feel, all over great churches, great friend options, etc. Congrats!

  81. Congrats! I live in upstate SC and are about 2 hours from Charlotte. It's a great city with tons to do and lots of great malls around Charlotte and Concord. You'll love it there!

  82. Congratulations! I am a fellow Queen City gal and Charlotte is just an amazing place to live. What area are you going to be living in? I work Uptown and live in South Charlotte. Let me know if you need anything or any info on the city!

    Michelle (PinQue)

  83. I completely forgot to reply to your e-mail about you moving! Congrats, it sounds like a phenomenal opportunity! And while I live a little too far away to have you help me with design, we'll probably move to the Carolinas at some point, so it's fantastic to know someone so talented will be able to help me out then!

  84. Congratulations! What an exciting new adventure!

  85. Congrats! What an exciting endevour. I'm sure you'll suceed in all you do and I wish you the best of luck with the move!

  86. bryn

    i was searching blogs for inspiration and stumbled upon yours...kept seeing 'Charlotte' and keep reading to see if it was NC! my hubby and i moved here this summer & love the area. i'm an interior designer, also...please let me know if you have any sort of questions about the city, i'd love to network with you :)


  87. Hi Bryn. We just moved to Charlotte too. I hope you enjoy living here as much as we do. I love your work and I look forward to seeing more.

  88. Bryn, I'm so excited that you've announced the big move! Be in touch and we'll have to definitely meet up when you get into town; let me know if you've got questions, I'm happy to try and help if I can. Congrats again!!

  89. congratulations! that is so exciting! I'm happy for you!

  90. How exciting, congrats! My husband and I have been thinking about moving to Charlotte, so in the meantime I'll be living vicariously through you :) Look forward to seeing your portfolio.

  91. I'm jumping up and down - Can't wait to meet you. Let me know if you need anything. sooooooooo excited for you and the changes in 2010! :)

  92. Congratulations on your new job! I wish you lots of luck!

    Do what you love, and love what you do!

  93. What an exciting time!! I'm so excited for you! Please, keep us up to date on everything!

  94. Congrats on your move. I wish you the best for 2010.

  95. Congratulations! I love reading your updates and find your blog very inspiring! I was so excited to read that you would like to start doing ideas for those of us that rent and are surrounded by beige walls. I can't wait to see all of those apartment ideas! Again, congrats!

  96. Congrats Bryn!!!! That is great wonderful news, I wish you the best of luck and I know you will do great.

  97. Yay! So glad it's "official." Can't wait to meet in person :)

    You are cracking me up about Hobby Lobby, btw. I do love it, too, though.

  98. Congrats, Bryn! That is such an awesome opportunity for you! Is it going to be strange to live on the other side of the country? I know you will do well! Good luck!

  99. Congraulations Bryn, that's awesome! We moved out of CA almost 3 years ago and everything you highlighted is definitley a plus, but I still do miss CA ;). I can't wait to see your new apartment, I bet it will look amazing.

  100. I'm not sure I have ever commented before, but I'm an NC native and here in the Queen City if you have any questions about the area. Good Luck with the move.

  101. Bryn, that is so beyond exciting!! I am so happy for you and your husband on this new adventure- it is sure to be exciting and rewarding! I can not WAIT to hear all about your DIY projects for your new place and what you have in store in NC. Yeah again, and congrats!!!!!

  102. Congrats on your big move! Way to follow your dreams. I'm excited to follow your journey.

  103. Awesome! I live just outside of Charlotte, welcome to the area! Btw love your blog!


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