Monday, January 4, 2010

Big Announcement : Part 1

Today was a big day for me. I've known this for a while, and I've known that 2010 was going to be big, but I can finally share why.

Part 1 of the Big Announcement:

The more I have worked with wonderful families and their homes, the more I knew what I had to do with my life. I can't say I'll never got back to Advertising because there will always be bills to pay and I'm not sure how lucrative my decorating has the potential to be. But a great opportunity came up for me to follow my dreams. The quote I put up just days ago rings so true to me right now: "Don't be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try."

Part 2 of my Big Announcement involves what's in store for me next... so stop by tomorrow morning to find out!


  1. Congrats on leaving the job! Good luck to you. You have an amazing talent and it's wonderful to find it while you are so young!

  2. HOORAY! :) Congratulations, Bryn!

  3. Congrats on this new step!!!

    I love that quote. Awesome.

  4. Way to go!! I can't wait to see what is in store for you.

  5. Congrats and best of luck to you!!

    PS- I found out just before Christmas that baby #2 is a girl and we're naming her Brynn! I've loved the name since I was 11 =)

  6. Congrats! I'm so excited to hear about your plans! And I know you'll succeed - no one can fail when they're pursuing their dreams!

  7. Hey Brynn I just wanted to tell you that I've been reading your blog for about a year now and I am so happy for you and this big step in careers! I just sent you a design request of sorts because I realized I am rather desperate for some help. I am so inspired by you and other designers in blogland but I need some help with bringing all my ideas into reality. I hope you and your husband are excited about your job! Best of luck, and God bless, however things turn out.

  8. So so so so so exciting! I am a big fan of yours and I'm living vicariously through you -- I won't be able to quit my day job until my hubs is through school... and since he's getting his PhD, that will be a while. :) Can't wait for Part 2!

  9. Congratulations! I really hope things work out well for you. Keep on truckin' ;-)

  10. All the best to you, Bryn! Very exciting to be following your dreams!!

  11. Best of luck to you!
    I am so sure that you are not scared one bit!

  12. Oh my gosh, girl!! CONGRSATS. You're a few steps ahead of me in this crazy process, so I love keeping up with your journey. I am SO happy for you.

  13. Wow. Congratulations! That is big news. Good luck.

  14. Congratulations! What a big step! Wishing you all the best! xo

  15. Yay! That's amazing news, Bryn!! What a great leap for you, good luck! I'm so jealous, darn it, I wish I could quit my job!!!

  16. wow! I just got cold chills! Congrats! Go get em! God Bless! =)

  17. Congratulations Bryn! The hardest part is taking the first step -- and now you've done it! Wishing you luck.

  18. Oh, how exciting for you! You should be so proud of yourself for going after your dream. That's so awesome!!!

  19. Congratulations! Good luck on your new adventure!

  20. Congratulations, Bryn. That is incredibly brave and inspiring!

  21. Congrats on staying true to yourself and living your dream! Good Luck in all 2010 has in store for you!!

  22. So exciting and so happy for you! We can't wait to see what you do with that talent of yours. On my toes for tomorrow!

  23. Congrats Bryn! How exciting. I'll be rooting for you :)

  24. congrats bryn! you are living your dream and that's amazing!!

  25. I can't wait to find out what the announcement is tomorrow! I'm excited for you!

  26. Hooray! I know it's scary, but you will be great!

  27. Hooray for you Bryn! You will do fabulous, I am sure :) You are so inspirational to follow your dreams, you go girl! :)

  28. You are so inspiring! I'm thrilled for you and wish you much success.


  29. Congratulations ! ! You are such an inspiration.

  30. Great quote! Congrats on your new leap!

  31. Congrats girl! I dream of the day I can say that sentence and do nothing but photography!

  32. Great quote! Congrats on your new leap!

  33. Hooray for you Bryn! You will do fabulous, I am sure :) You are so inspirational to follow your dreams, you go girl! :)

  34. congrats bryn! you are living your dream and that's amazing!!

  35. Congrats on staying true to yourself and living your dream! Good Luck in all 2010 has in store for you!!

  36. Congratulations! Good luck on your new adventure!

  37. Wow. Congratulations! That is big news. Good luck.

  38. Best of luck to you!
    I am so sure that you are not scared one bit!

  39. So so so so so exciting! I am a big fan of yours and I'm living vicariously through you -- I won't be able to quit my day job until my hubs is through school... and since he's getting his PhD, that will be a while. :) Can't wait for Part 2!

  40. Congrats on this new step!!!

    I love that quote. Awesome.

  41. Your website is really cool and this is a great inspiring article.

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