Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday Eye Candy

Although I was so bummed to have to get up and go to work this morning (especially when my husband has this week off), it was a lovely Christmas surprise to see that Photobucket was no longer blocked at my work! Yay!

So now that I can access my huge inspiration folder, here are some great pictures for your viewing pleasure... especially if you are "stuck" at work today like me :/


  1. Those were great images! Best I've seen in awhile! Hope your work day flies by!

  2. I'm stuck at work too!! Stinks that my husband has this week off and he had last week off as well!! I LOVE the office picture!! Enjoy your day at work...hope it goes fast for you!

  3. All are great, but I adore the first picture. Thanks for this wonderful inspiration.
    Have a great week :))

  4. LOVE the color of the wall in that first one! Thanks for sharing! :)

  5. I want the "LOVE" pillow in the second one! (Any idea where I can find it?)

  6. You find the greatest rooms, Bryn. Thanks for the lovelies.


  7. ok i am seriously loving the LOVE pillow in the last photo. and I love how the two frames above the bed work so nicely together...

    awesome post!


  8. Oh wow! I love the photos! I love the one looking in the door where the painting of the woman is cut off... Happy Monday :)

  9. Gorgeous! I love them all. Hope you had a wonderful christmas!

  10. Great images - love the second one!

  11. Great images - love the second one!

  12. Oh wow! I love the photos! I love the one looking in the door where the painting of the woman is cut off... Happy Monday :)

  13. LOVE the color of the wall in that first one! Thanks for sharing! :)

  14. Those were great images! Best I've seen in awhile! Hope your work day flies by!


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