Sunday, December 27, 2009

Aaron Bros Penny Sale!

One of my favorite sales, the Aaron Bros Penny Sale, is currently going on! I've been waiting for it to purchase tons of frames for a gallery wall for my client, and it came sooner than I had planned which was great. If you need frames, run... don't walk to this sale.

And don't feel bad about laying out arrangements on the floor of Aaron Brothers, it's the only way to truly visualize your plan. You'll get some stares of annoyance, but mostly you also will get sweet comments and knowing smiles from other women who have done the same thing.

I'm really loving arrangements that crescendo and are a little uneven.

Also, as you can see, Aaron Brothers have convex mirrors that are relatively inexpensive.


  1. Looks great! I'm always self-conscious about doing anything out of the ordinary when I'm shopping, but this is definitely a good idea. I need to break out of my shell more!

  2. Hi Bryn! Not sure if you remember me but I've met you a few times through Matt & Melissa.

    I read your blog but never comment. :-/

    Anyway - I felt like I had to comment on this post. I have 3 huge walls in my house with nothing on them. I am saving this picture and replicating it. I love love love the selection!

  3. I like the frames you chose - I'm always doing this at stores, I know people must hate me but ohwell - lol

  4. I like the frames you chose - I'm always doing this at stores, I know people must hate me but ohwell - lol

  5. Looks great! I'm always self-conscious about doing anything out of the ordinary when I'm shopping, but this is definitely a good idea. I need to break out of my shell more!


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