Thursday, October 8, 2009

space of the day

Today's space of the day comes to you from Katie Fine Design. Oh how I just love her designs, particularly this one:

It's so... simple yet complex. I love the bits of brass, and that ottoman! But there aren't that many elements in the room. I really love designers who can do that. I'm all about simplicity and no "fluff". I really hope I can acheive that in my rooms, but I know it will take time to develop that talent.

I want to thank you lovely readers for the little bits of kindness in yesterday's post. Yesterday I tivo'd Nie Nie on Oprah, what an amazing segment. It really put things in perspective for me on a bad day. I woke up today refreshed and ready to live life in the moment!


  1. I'm glad you're doing better. I always loved the quote "This too shall pass". Know that this is a sort of weird time for you, and it's not a "normal" part of your life. At the same time, it's an exciting time of your life!! I'm so proud of all your decisions! Love you so much and miss you. Mom

  2. gorgeous space.
    sure made my day, and so did nie nie.
    we have so much to live for!

  3. Love it. I swear, you put so many inspiring photos that I end up not being able to decide which direction to go with how to decorate my own home. It's crazy. =)

    *Today is the last day to enter my giveaway. So make sure you enter:

  4. I'm glad you're doing better. I always loved the quote "This too shall pass". Know that this is a sort of weird time for you, and it's not a "normal" part of your life. At the same time, it's an exciting time of your life!! I'm so proud of all your decisions! Love you so much and miss you. Mom


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