Saturday, October 10, 2009

random thoughts on a saturday night...

1. My husband loves to cook, and I love when he cooks!

Especially homemade pasta.

2. My husband and I are jumping on the vampire bandwagon this year for a Halloween costume...

Matt will be the vampire, I will be the vampire's "Sookie". What can I say, we love the show... and the costume is very inexpensive (normal clothes + vampire teeth + white makeup + fake blood for two little bite marks on me, and call it a day!). Maybe I'll go all out and get a blond wig? Or does anyone out in blog land have an old blond wig from Halloweens past they'd like to get rid of? I'll reimburse shipping!

Since the party is BYOB, my vampire will be bringing some True Blood:

It'll probably be the most expensive part of the constume, but it's too awesome not to get.

3. My shoulders/neck are very very sore, and I haven't done anything out of the ordinary... What could cause this? Web MD wasn't very helpful, except for getting "lyme disease" into my head. This is the one and only reason I sometimes hate the internet... scary medical google searches.

4. Remember this?

I finally took my "after" pictures today... but I submitted them to Design*Sponge. Maybe Grace will post them? If not, I'll definitely post them soon here :)

5. Speaking of DIY projects, things are moving full speed ahead with my clients and before/after pictures will be pouring onto the blog within the next month or so :) So please keep me in your reader!


  1. cannot wait to see your DIY and you and the hubs as Vampires...

  2. So funny P and are also being Bill and Sookie! Love it!

  3. does grace only post pictures that have not been posted before or something? just curious.

  4. I love the halloween costume idea, and sadly I did have a blonde wig that I got rid of one Halloween.

  5. does grace only post pictures that have not been posted before or something? just curious.


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