Friday, September 11, 2009

Two Favorite Designers: Two Seperate Babies

Two of my most favorite inspiring designers just birthed two amazing babies. One literally, and the other figuratively.

Erika Powell of Urban Grace Interiors gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl on 9/9/09:

{photo by her twin sister, Darby}

And Jenny from Pearl Street Interiors just shared an amazing "baby" of her own, her daughters' beautiful new bedroom:

Sure, it's a bit odd I'm sharing this because I do not know these women aside for their blogs, but they are two beautiful, inspiring woman that make me excited for my own future.


  1. Thanks for sharing! I am in love with the bedroom - I saw that yesterday and fell head over heals in love with it!

    And what a beautiful blessing of a baby that is!

  2. Aw, thanks, Bryn! I'm so flattered and glad that you like my girls room. It was a fun project! Though, I have to say that Erika's "project" turned out much cuter. :)

  3. Love love love these two blogs/women too! And I tried on those Payless ankle boots you posted on the other day and they are AMAZING!! They were a little higher than what I'm used to but for that price I'll probably end up getting them anyway! :)

  4. I too married a man shorter than me. Last night I went with my mom to see Julie and Julia. In the movie, Julia's sister married a man much shorter than her. A lady behind me gasps "well, that is just unnatural." I on the other hand know that height does not matter. We never notice the difference in height. I too tell my single friends not to get hung up on height, it isn't worth dating jerks just because he is tall.

  5. holla'! there's my little love muffin!! thank you for the shout out!! XOXO

  6. Aw, thanks, Bryn! I'm so flattered and glad that you like my girls room. It was a fun project! Though, I have to say that Erika's "project" turned out much cuter. :)


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