Friday, September 11, 2009

Labor Day Trip Pictures

Mom finally uploaded her pictures :) so here are a couple of our great mini-vacation to my uncle's house on the lake in South Carolina over Labor Day. It was such a fun little way to say goodbye to Summer.

The lake was amazing and so where the lake houses.

Isn't my little brother cute? He's single, ladies.

Spending much needed quality time with the brothers, I never get to see them :(

Yes, my husband is shorter than me and nope it never bothers me (single ladies- don't hate on a guy just cause he's short!). No, he doesn't usually wear trunks like that (my brother forgot his so he wore Matt's and Matt wore my uncle's). Yes I LOVED red and pink lipstick that weekend :) Oh and yes, Weight Watchers works!!

lol at our faces in this picture. Do you think we'll make cute kids? I'm not sure..

My aunt and uncle's cute dog, he loves the lake.


  1. Just to clarify, I am figuring out how to get those 2 noodles underneath me so I could float with ease

  2. Love your photos...Looks like a fun weekend! I married a shorty too, and nobody ever notices b/c he's so cute.


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