Thursday, July 2, 2009

street ballet

I've always wished I was a ballerina. I love everything about them - their strong but graceful bodies, the way they walk and move. Their perfect posture!! (I have terrible posture). And of course, their dancing.

My mom signed me up as a young child but I really sucked at it. haha! I had a good friend in high school who was one.. she moved to San Fran to dance with the company there before we graduated and I went to visit her. I got to go visit one of the rehearsals and it was such a cool experience. They take a lot of abuse though.. which is another reason it could have never been for me.

I found these pictures and something tells me this girl is a ballerina.

{images found on altamira}

My husband will kill me for revealing this, but he has the most perfect ballet arches in his feet; they are seriously unreal. I tell him all the time he would have been a perfect dancer. I'm hoping our children inherit his arches, maybe we'll have a little dancer of our own someday!


  1. I danced for 13 years - and my feet show damage - but my heart still loves to dance and goes out to all that do!

  2. I always dreamed of being a dancer!

  3. My dad says that arches in your feet are good for golfers. Maybe your husband will find comfort in that?

  4. I danced for 13 years - and my feet show damage - but my heart still loves to dance and goes out to all that do!


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