Sunday, July 5, 2009

<3 <3

I hope everyone had a great fourth of july! I spent the day at my in-laws who live up in the foothills; everyone climbed on the roof to watch fireworks all over the city. I got to the top of the ladder and just couldn't do it... heights don't bother me too much when I'm in something super secure and stable (elevator, building), but heights terrify me when it's associated with something wobbly (ladder) and steep (roof).

Today we're attending the in-laws clam bake party and I can't wait!

I'll leave you with these two items I'm lusting over from A.P.C...

This swimsuit reminds of something I'd wear at my grandparent's pool in the 1990's around 10 years old - I love it! (Mom - do you have any pics of me in Tulsa in a cool 90's suit?)

& this bag is perfection - it's beaded & navy blue!


  1. Lovely tote bag. The nineties swimsuit cracks me up - we are both children of the nineties. I am having my first giveaway at my blog - I would love it if you stopped by and checked it out!

  2. It DOES seem you like you had a bathing suit - at least that style - when you were young...I'll dig through the were SO cute!!

  3. Hey Bryn,

    I wanted to drop by and ask you to come by my site. I would love for you to let me know what you think of my latest project being that you are such an inspiration. I am calling it A forest in our master bedroom.


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