Wednesday, July 22, 2009

the origin of 'urban cottage interiors'

I just received an anonymous comment on my "Goals" post below asking this:

also ... why did you select "urban cottage interiors?" cottage isn't a word i'd use to describe your style.

This is a great question that I'd like to address. Of course, I want my business name to be something I can stick with for years (decades?), and I want to make sure it's the right for me. I plan on becoming an LLC in the near future (there are a couple little details I'm working out), so before I go through the legal stuff, I want to make sure the name is the name!

The reason I chose urban cottage interiors is because I've always considered my style to have a juxtaposition of urban [contemporary] and cottage [casual] elements. I like mixing new, modern pieces with old refurbished antiques. When I think about my company and the "target" customer, I imagine a home in a somewhat large city, like Los Angeles or Atlanta. The owners are both working parents with children or maybe a young newlywed couple just starting their professional life. They live busy lives and want their home to be their sactuary. They like nice modern things, but also want a casual, comfortable place to come home to at night with linens and jute and simplicity. I've always considered "urban cottage" to be a great way to describe that type of style.

But now ms.anonymous has me doubting it?

I've found some pictures that I feel is my "style":

urban: graphic modern chair
cottage: natural fiber rug, antique pedestal

urban: clean lines, modern, dark nightstand
cottage: white! simple colors and textures

urban: black walls, glossy black dresser, that orange pendant!
cottage: Ikat fabric, traditional chaise lounge

Please, do let me know what you think!

EDIT: Oh my gosh!!! Thank you so much for the amazing feedback, and quick too! I think each and every one of you had great points. I think the fact alone that I'd need to "explain" the name is a red flag. Jenny from Green Little Notebook put it best - "cottage" means something different to everyone. That is not a good thing, I definitely do not want to pigeon hole myself. I am now leaning toward my own name: bryn alexandra interiors. Thanks again!


  1. You are right on the money. Maybe that Ms. Anonymous is trying to steal your business name away from you by making you second guess it.

    Stick with it. It's perfect, and those pictures justify your thinking and your vision.

    So happy for you!

    jbhat (also anonymous, but only because I don't blog : )

  2. I agree with the other commenter that I would not think of your style as "cottage." When I think of "cottage," I think profusions of flowers, quilts, floral patterns, toile, and rustic furniture. (All of which I love.) Your style seems pretty modern to me, pretty start in its color selections. I love your style, but I wouldn't describe it as "cottage" really.

  3. Don't listen to, or be persuaded by, the doubt of others. Go with your own gut instinct. To me, "urban cottage" translates to "modern cozy home." Just because it has the word "cottage," doesn't automatically mean it has to be filled with country-themed decor. You've chosen a cute name, and I think you're right on target. You just keep on keepin' on! =)

  4. whoops i mean to say your color selections were "stark." When I see black and white, and grey and white, I don't think cottage.

    Maybe "urban casual," or "urban traditional"?

  5. I think the name is perfect as well. To me a cottage is a place more than a style. I don't think people will get that caught up on your name anyway. I like how it sounds together!

  6. I love the name! Ever since you posted it I though it fit perfectly... and it sounds nice together and very professional!

  7. I think it's a great name. As a fan of the dearly departed Cottage Living I think you'd fit right in.

  8. I love the name, and think it totally fits your style. Cottage doesn't just mean quilts and country style anymore, that's for sure. Cottage Living magazine was a great example of that. Keep it up girl!

  9. Go with your gut! Don't listen to others. I think urban cottage is perfect!

  10. I have to agree with our anonymous commenter... when I read your post yesterday I thought to myself that I did not understand why you choose to include the word cottage. When I think of cottage I think more on the lines of shabby chic or furniture that has bee painted. Your pictures reflect antiques that are restored almost to a 'new state'. To me your style is contemporary and traditional. Regardless it is a name and your portfolio and word of mouth business will speak for itself... and as for marketing it is a good name for a business.

  11. The name is a little too close for comfort to the design blog of a professional that you've frequently referenced. That, in addition to using verbiage that sounds a lot like hers.

  12. I am a loyal reader! Didn't start commenting until I figured out how to! LOL

    I like the name, stick with it!

  13. I've used this term for years to describe my style.

  14. I'm no expert, but do think that the name 100 percent accurately describes your design asthetic, IMHO.

  15. I want to respond to this comment: "The name is a little too close for comfort to the design blog of a professional that you've frequently referenced. That, in addition to using verbiage that sounds a lot like hers."

    I was worried about that when I first came up with my name... I was going to go with "bryn alexandra interiors" but there are so many designers out there that use their names and then stick "interiors" or something on the back end. I really felt "urban cottage interiors" was perfect for me and it just fit. I thought about not using the name, because I would never want to steal her thunder and being from an Advertising background I know all too well about copyright laws, etc. With that being said, I am confident our styles [and names] are different enough to not confuse one another. Also, she's a full blown designer with formal training and I'm just a decorator, so we'll always have completely different clientele and are on different levels.

    However, I wonder if "urban cottage design" would be a better fit as to not confuse anyone? Hmm...

    As for the verbiage, I'm not sure what that means but I'm just true to myself on my blog.

  16. i love the urban cottage and wouldn't change it. i think it describes your design style just great. as for the interiors or design, i think you could do either.

  17. I think it has a great ring to it Bryn! It is definitely catchy and memorable, and is just a name. Although the one benefit to using your own name is that you are not "trapping" yourself in one area of design. Even if you offer a wide range of styles, using a particular "style" as your name may mislead new clients as to what you are capable of. Either way, your work will speak for itself so don't get too caught in the name ;)

  18. This might be a little disjointed. Feel free to edit.
    I like the name and prefer it to, Urban Cottage Design. To me, cottage is the noun and urban the adjective in your business name.
    Cottage is more descriptive of a size of the home. Also, Cottage Living magazine showed us that read it that there was more than one style of cottage.
    With the trend towards smaller or 'not so big' houses, I think the cottage in your name perfectly reflects on that trend. IMHO, keep your name.
    PPA - also an anonymouse daily reader.

  19. Can i ask you a random question - why did you stop using flickr for your images? No good reason just that I can't see photobucket images at work so Im bummed :(

  20. PS: I think the name is fine. Its true I wouldn't think cottage when I think of your style but as another poster pointed out, cottage implies small home more than it implies country decor to me. I don't think your name will deter anyone from looking at a portfolio and then they will see your style for themselves.

    That said, if the name is anything like a designer you've been following, I wouldn't use the name for that reason. Not that she owns the name per se or that its a legal issue - but more out of respect for her, I would try to stay away from anything that even suggests its a derivative of her biz name.

  21. I think it's a great name. My only hesitation is that it is *very* similar to Urban Grace Interiors, which I have seen you mention Erika's blog before. Other than that, it's very cute!

  22. I was a bit confused as to where the name came from as well. I don't see your work as cottage, but I understand the connection.

    I think the name works, and now that you showed your inspiration pictures the connection is a bit stronger.

  23. ITA with the anon poster who suggested that both the name and, sometimes, the verbiage is a little too close to another designer you openly covet on your sight. In fact, it's the first thing I thought of when you announced the formation of your new company.

    I also agree with PP that I don't think your style is all that cottage-y.

    If it were me I'd rather start off and come across as being entirely original. You have enough talent that you don't need to be in the shadow of someone else's existing persona.

  24. To be honest, I don't see your style as cottage at all. To me cottage is whitewashed boards, chippy peely paint, shells, oars, burlap, ticking stripes....
    Also the name reminds me of Urban Grace Interiors...which may be a problem.
    I think something like Urban Rustic or Urban Casual would be a better description of your fabulous style!!

  25. Bryn - i love your style. I only like the name. At first i didn't give it much thought, but this conversation has made me think more. I have to disagree with the comment that your name being "just a name." It most definitely is more than that! It is what will grab your potential clients' attention, it is what people will recognize with a mark, and it will evolve over time!
    You are so good at what you do, and i think you should not underestimate where you could ultimately go! DREAM BIG GIRL!

  26. I agree w/ Mrs. Limestone wholeheartedly. I also like the point Holly and Sean had about trapping yourself into a niche. When you first announced your name my first thought was that you were copying the more known designer's blog you have mentioned. I think for that reason along you need to consider something else - out of respect for her and also trying to make a name for yourself and not doing so by dragging on her coat tails so to speak. I also would in no way classify your style as cottage so for me it just doesn't fit.

  27. Bryn, this post is hitting home with me. Picking a name is TOUGH!!! I admire you for being willing to open the subject up for opinions. After picking 'Pearl Street Interiors' for my business name, I didn't want feedback from anyone (just like after I named my two daughters!). It feels too personal or something.

    Anyway, since you did open it up, I'll throw in my two cents. :)

    I think to you and me and most design blog readers the word 'cottage' means something different than it means to the average Joe and Jane out in the world. We have a nuanced view while most people/potential clients might associate it with 'country-style,' which I think is a misrepresentation and disservice to your gorgeous designs.

    I think you have a beautiful, recognizable name and if I were you, I'd think more seriously about just going with Bryn Alexandra Interiors. Unique, specific and it won't pigeon-hole you in the future.

    All that said, I think you're going to be wildly successful no matter what your business name is. :)

  28. I think that Bryn Alexandra Interiors has such a nice ring to it. You have such a beautiful name, I think that it would be very catchy. But always go with your gut feeling, you will have this name for a very long time! Either way, I don't think that you should get to caught up in the name, you will be famous either which ever name you choose! =)

  29. If you want to be a designer that speaks to everyone don't push your name as something like urban cottage. My first instinct in that would be that this girl only knows how to decorate the way she likes and not how the client wants. If you want to get a wide range of clients then I would suggest sticking to your bryn alexandra interiors or something of the like.

  30. :::haven't read through previous comments:::

    I have to say that I love your name and think that it's the perfect business name (sounds sophisticated and lovely) for your design business. I would avoid coining yourself as a designer who only does a particular "look". A designer should be able to do a multitude of different styles according to the clients needs (which I KNOW you will do). You, my dear, are multi-faceted to the "nth" degree. I say go with Bryn Alexandra Interiors. It has a great ring to it!

  31. I love the name... but the most important thing is for you to go with your gut.

  32. if your ultimate goal is to be able to decorate for all house/style types, i'd nix the cottage in your name. i'm venturing to guess that some with a modern or mid-century modern design style won't be drawn to the name - and i think you'd be very good at that design style. and while your work will speak for itself, you don't want your name to contradict.

    i would also be careful of how close you go to "like brand names." this young house is the perfect example and their recent name change to young house love.

    i agree with the others, urban cottage interiors is way too similar to urban grace interiors. don't ride coat tails of other people's work. you wouldn't want someone riding the coat tails of your work, would you? it's hard to believe that your business name didn't have any inspiration from erika's blog, you reference to her all the time.

    remember, too, that you've "branded" bryn alexandra in the blog world. perhaps using that would continue to give you consistency.

    -cah another loyal reader without a blog

  33. I think the second Anonymous writer has said it perfectly. After seeing your rational- I think your name is perfect. "Cottage" is not how I would describe your choices necessarily- but you are not doing cottage decorating- you are doing urban cottage- something totally new and all your own. I think it is perfect.

  34. This is only my second time, I believe, responding to a post of yours (although I am a fairly regular lurker) so please feel free to disregard...

    I think your own name is so unique and beautiful. By using that, you will be able to go in what ever direction you like with this business and not have to worry about catering to a specific design style. Best of luck!


  35. hey there!! Just wanted to leave a quick comment to say hello since I have stumbled on to your blog & added it to my favorites. I can't wait to read along as you mark goals off your list!

    love your blog {& am following you on twitter now!}

  36. I am not a fan of the cottage either..i dont know...just my opinion though...but this process is good for you to think about. but do what you like..what makes you happy..but if i was looking for a person to help me with my house...a name with cottage attached would make me think more country almost and i might pass them up if i didnt look at their work first.

  37. When I first heard the name, I immediately thought of Urban Grace Interiors. Like other commenters I think you have a beautiful name and have already associated it with your blog so why not your design venture? Good luck to you, and I think it's fab that you're following your dreams!

  38. Personally, I think "Urban Cottage Interiors" is the PERFECT name!!

  39. Wow! Amazing amount of feedback - who knew?!
    I agree with everyone who has said your name is so lovely - I can just SEE it on your kick-ass business cards and webpage.
    Go with your gut, but seriously - your name is much more unique and beautiful (as are your designs) than any kind of "slogan" business name.
    Just my humble opinion...added to the list! ;)

  40. Whatever your business name, I'd totally hire you!

  41. Hi Bryn, I love your style, I think of it as a breath of fresh air. I do wonder if the word "cottage" might preclude some potential clients from using your services if they weren't fond of that style.

    Best of luck.


  42. I think urban cottage is the perfect way to describe your look. The second picture you posted of the bedroom could not scream more urban cottage to me.

    When I think of cottage I think of the beach, light, airy, breezy, soft, casual with a touch of shabby added in.

    Keep the name. It works for you and its what YOU feel describes your style.

  43. how about brynteriors?

    ha ha.

  44. I think you have such a beautiful name - Bryn Alexandra. I think it would be lovely as a business name.

  45. I think you want something different..your name is really different and it will represent you and wont put your designs in a certain bubble, ok i am done! i havent been by in a while and just so happen to come around on this topic with to much to say..LOL

  46. Hi Bryn,

    I love your name and think you should use Bryn Alexandra Interiors (or Designs) as your business name. Even though Urban Cottage Interiors is gorge too, I also think it might put off some clients who are unsure of what you mean by cottage. Either way, your clients are going to love YOU and think you are awesome! Don't sweat it- everything is going to turn out fabulous!

  47. i know I left a comment, perhaps it got lost in the bloggerspace....yes to using your name.
    as much as I want my own urban cottage (or swell dwelling)- I prefer the sound of your name, it has a sophistication to it.

  48. DON'T CHANGE IT!!!! I love UBC, and I immediately understood that that was your look. To me, "Cottage Living" magazine was always "urban casual". I believe a great website will solve your "problem". Most of the time when people want to contract you, they'll look at your work first, and in this day and age, that means they'll go to your site. Your portfolio will speak for itself. I say be careful about putting your ideas out there, because sometimes people can make you needlessly second guess yourself!

  49. I love the name and can completely identify with it. It's what I would consider my taste....Lovely description and perfect photos to back it up!

  50. Just stumbled onto your blog...
    ADORE..OBSSESED with your style..
    Fresh, perfect pairings.. I'm hooked!

  51. Ok don't get all into the name of things. I think if you like the name perfect. It makes tons of sense and tons of us decorate that way but don't know what to call it.
    Keep doing what your doing girl. You rock at it!

  52. Don't we also have the domain ?- so that's another reason to keep the Bryn Alexandra name ;)

  53. Although I think 'cottage' means a good mix of modern and vintage, it isn't a term that I associate with your room designs. I personally think of urban-classic-traditional when I think of the designs you've posted. What about something along the lines of 'Urban Classic Interiors' or 'Urban Classic Designs'? Although I love anything with cottage in it, I think it isn't the best description of your style...Good luck!

  54. I think that you cant go wrong with using your name.

  55. ::laughing at EvY's "Brynteriors" suggestion:: Clever.

    Your name is classy, sounds beautiful, and looks absolutely lovely in writing. And dare I say, I've come to refer to your style as 'bryn', as it's not quite the usual, expected designs. It's very unique, personal, and flawless.

    That being said, I think Bryn Alexandra Designs is perfect and will draw clientele. Let your mission statement on your business card, website, etc. go into detail about what you aim to do.

  56. i love "bryn alexandra interiors" I think it is so classy!

    or even "b.alexandra" would work too!


THANK YOU for taking the time to share your thoughts. I appreciate each and every comment.