Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I've been thinking about them a lot lately...

Serious Goals
- Build a business plan
- Launch official urban cottage interiors website before summer is over
- Write a press release (and of course, send it out)
- Create a beautiful and organized work space for myself

Not So Serious Goals
- Have my work linked to Home Sweet Home
- Future home tour on Apartment Therapy (we need the home first... haha)
- Get my blog readership up
- Have some popular design blogs save my blog on their favorites


  1. do you have a time frame for your goals...
    make a time frame...it helps to plan...
    I love your goals.

  2. Ditto to all of them. Great goals. I just feel like my head is constantly swimming with to-do lists. Ah it's exhausting!

  3. I was watching a home decorating show this weekend on TLC and the designer was telling these two dudes that they needed to go "urban cottage" style and they were like, "WTF?" I thought of you.

  4. Good for you for putting your goals out there and giving me the idea to do the same! Man, I have a list a mile long. Ugh. Time to get crackin'. : )

    Speaking of goals...I need to contact you about giving my blog some much needed visual va va voom!

  5. I like your goals. I have been thinking about mine a lot lately too. I wonder if it is in the air . . .

  6. It is so great to write down your goals... makes them so much more real!

  7. I need to write down my goals as well...makes you really sit down and think about how you want to accomplish them!

  8. It's so good to clarify your goals--and I'm betting you can achieve most, if not all, of them very soon! You've inspired me to write down my goals as well.

  9. I have 4 readers but you are on my favorites! I was thinking about you last night and how much you remind me of myself. Its nice to see that I'm not the only one who is contantly setting goals and trying to live a better life than the day before. If we lived close we would be fast friends I think. Also, I use this acronym - SMART- for my own goals. be Specific, make it Managable, Agree upon it, with some Reason, set a Target. Works everytime!

  10. Great goals!! I'm sure you will able to accomplish each and everyone of them! Good luck :)

  11. you should make a time frame for completing them.

    also ... why did you select "urban cottage interiors?" cottage isn't a word i'd use to describe your style.

  12. great goals!! Seems to be the season for that. A time frame definitely helps motivating a plan.

  13. Great goals and all achievable. This office space is so gorgeous, I don't think I'd ever want to leave. Adore!

  14. I am also starting my design business in NC and can completely relate to your goals. Discovered your blog not too long ago and it's excellent! Thanks for the inspiration and best of luck.

  15. I am also starting my design business in NC and can completely relate to your goals. Discovered your blog not too long ago and it's excellent! Thanks for the inspiration and best of luck.

  16. It's so good to clarify your goals--and I'm betting you can achieve most, if not all, of them very soon! You've inspired me to write down my goals as well.

  17. It is so great to write down your goals... makes them so much more real!

  18. Good for you for putting your goals out there and giving me the idea to do the same! Man, I have a list a mile long. Ugh. Time to get crackin'. : )

    Speaking of goals...I need to contact you about giving my blog some much needed visual va va voom!

  19. do you have a time frame for your goals...
    make a time frame...it helps to plan...
    I love your goals.


THANK YOU for taking the time to share your thoughts. I appreciate each and every comment.