Friday, June 19, 2009

Head on Over!

One of my favorite bloggers, jeune marie, is on vacation (lucky girl!) and asked a couple of her favorite bloggers to keep things goin' while she was away. Today was my day to be guest blogger...

Head on over to her blog to check out my post - I searched Sarah's local Austin, Texas Craigslist to find some furniture with great potential. Thanks, jeune marie!


  1. I love your craigslist post on jeaune marie's blog! You are so creative :)

  2. P.S. Who made your blog layout? It is adorable! I've been searching for something similar :)

  3. P.S. Who made your blog layout? It is adorable! I've been searching for something similar :)

  4. I love your craigslist post on jeaune marie's blog! You are so creative :)


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