Friday, June 19, 2009

Flat Rates

I've decided to offer [very inexpensive] flat rates for my interior design services to help build my portfolio instead of an hourly rate.

I'm still looking for clients local to Orange County, California [I will travel to Inland Empire & Los Angeles]

Please help a girl out! I'm looking to build my portfolio, and I promise to leave you with a beautiful room.

Email me at brynalexandra at gmail dot com for more info!

Thank you!! :)

{all rooms in this post were found via Home Sweet Home}


  1. You might want to mention your rates. Its weird with things like this but often times people assume things are more expensive than they are. Once they know your rates, you'll not only have a defined audience but you'll also weed out people who are emailing you just for that info! Just a suggestion.

    All the best of luck.

  2. I SOOOO would hire you if A. I had any extra $, and B. I owned my house...we'll probably only be here for another year or so, and I don't want to have to paint over. But I will keep you in mind for the future...oh, to dream!

  3. I would love for you to help me. Wish you were on the East Coast.

  4. maybe if we could see some of your work, instead of other rooms you didn't do, that would help!


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