Friday, May 8, 2009

thrift success!

Just Tuesday I posted about how I was in a fashion rut. Well today work surprised us with a half day so I headed over to Buffalo Exchange to hopefully find some stuff. Boy did I ever!

I tried to go outside of my comfort zone and focus on skirts and bright colors. For summer outfits, my goal is to pair a bright piece with the neutrals I currently have in my closet. Another goal is to bring out my femininity and start wearing more skirts/dresses and less jeans.... and lipstick!

Hopefully my thrifty threads pics will be back up and running soon :)


  1. I seriously love Buffalo Exchange. I haven't lived near one since I was a teenager, but I remember that I felt SO cool every time I shopped there with all the 20 and 30-somethings!
    My goal in life is to live near a BE again one day! :) Can't wait to see your new outfits!

  2. looks like the trip was a success. There is a Buffalo Exchange here in San Diego and I need to go and check it out.

  3. looks like you have some fun patterns in that mix!

  4. what is that yellow thing?!?! my gosh I think I can partially see it and I am drooling already over the fabric! Can't wait to see the details!


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