Saturday, May 9, 2009

I'm pro-love

Getting on my soapbox....

Being a Californian, this issue is very close to home. Currently the divorce rate in America is 50%! Yet anti-gay marriage activists want to "save the sanctity of marriage"?! What sanctity is there left if every other man + woman marriage ends in divorce? If that's not bad enough, they are forcing loving, happy couples into divorce against their own free will and are taring families apart.

Off my soapbox.

"Fidelity": Don't Divorce... from Courage Campaign on Vimeo.

Please help protect love and commitment by going here.


  1. I enjoy your blog, but completely disagree with you on this issue. And I also live i Cali.

  2. This video made me cry. Beautifully done.

  3. I'm pro love for all families who are courageous to get married and have children. It is not for the weak today. Divorce seems to be at an all time high. :(
    It is upsetting - since my parents celebrated 60 years and my in-laws celebrated 50 years.

  4. I just started reading your blog the other day and I think its amazing. great video post. My aunts have been together since they were 17 and are now 48 years old. Their love has out lasted many "normal" relationships. I am a follower of Jesus Christ and am pro-love. I say "Love God, Love Others, Nothing else matters".

  5. gawd, I am such a crybaby.
    beautiful. thank you for posting.
    I'm in Canada and same-sex marriage is legal here. I couldn't imagine any other way. The sadness and anger I feel at the thought of invalidating those marriages is huge, and it can only be a fraction of what they feel.

  6. I am so pro love!!!!!PRO LOVE! GO LOVE!

  7. Beautiful. Thanks for posting. So moving.

  8. I agree with you that it is a shame that people marry and divorce like they change their clothes. What happened to the sanctitity of marrieage? I have no problem with two men raising a child. I have a huge problem with homosexuality. I believe that God intended for a WOMAN to marry a MAN. (Perhaps that's why their "parts" fit together like they do?) I also believe that marriage it a one-time thing. Divorce is not an option.

  9. Thanks for sharing this, Bryn! What a good message.

  10. That video was SO moving! Thank you so much for posting it.

    Yes, love WILL prevail!

  11. Love the blog Bryn, but I strongly disagree with you on this issue.

  12. Bryn,
    good for you for posting this and speaking your mind! I couldn't agree with you more and hope people will learn to be less hateful of those who lead lives that are different from their own. I can't imagine wanting to tear apart families and actually thinking that you're right in doing so - how is hatred ever right? S.

  13. I hadn't seen this video... it really did break my heart. All of those beautiful couples. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Pro-Love! & Pro-Bryn of course!

  15. I think the video is very eye-opening....A lot of people seem to think that gays and lesbians look a certain way and lead a certain lifestyle...when that is not the case.
    It is not a matter of religion, politics or personal opinion. It's about love.
    Thanks for posting it...I wouldn't have seen it otherwise.

  16. I am so proud of your bravery for standing up publicly for this cause. You are an amazing person!!! Thank you!

  17. Thank you for posting this! Beautiful video and such an important issue. Marriage is legal in South Africa for everyone despite a lot of ppl being opposed - just goes to show that you cannot choose who to give human rights too based on the popular vote!

  18. I read your blog but also strongly disagree. Imagine if we open the doors to more marriages that could increase the number of divorces in America? I also believe that the Bible has specifically laid the way of what marriage should be, between a man and a woman. Also, just because I am not for gay marriage, doesn't mean I am anti love or hate people who don't agree with me. I find it very sad that people with a different opinion on this matter are labeled as "haters" or "anti love". There is no anger when protecting what God has made very clear should remain.

  19. Thanks for sharing this video! I also posted it on my blog.

  20. This video always makes me so sad! Definitely pro-love, and I think that's the stance with the most compassion and humanity.

  21. what a coincidence...
    i posted this same video saturday morning!

  22. I strongly disagree. God did not create us for the same sex. That is why procreation is not possible between two men or two women. Doesn't mean I don't love gay people, I just disagree with homosexuality. 1 Corinthians 6:9 (NIV)"Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders"

  23. strongly disagree. 1 Corinthians 6:9 (New International Version)
    Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders

  24. Hey Bryn. Couldn't agree with you more. I posted the video on my blog as well. I think it is so important to stand up and speak out!

  25. What a beautiful video! I am crying my eyes out! Pro-Love! Love WILL prevail!

    People need to realise the difference between 'marriage' and 'civil partnerships': once you realise that we are fighting for the right for a civicl partnership, the God argument really doesn't stand up!

  26. What a lovely post. Thank you for posting it. I couldn't agree more.

  27. Bryn, I think it is awesome that you have spoken your mind on something so important. This is personally a very important issue to me and it's great to stumble across supportive people even in the style blog world! -A.

  28. Great Post...thanks for sharing!

  29. I do like reading your blog but also disagree with you as some others do. I am a christian and believe gay marriage is a sin. Marriage is meant for one man with one woman. (ex. Leviticus 20:13)

  30. Thanks for standing up for those who still don't have rights in this country. It disgusts me that there are people out there who want to rip apart wonderful, loving homes just because they believe in different things. What kind of example is that setting for our youth? Thanks again for a great post. Keep up the good work! : )

  31. I think to say that you're "pro-love," and that therefore implicitly some people are "anti-love" is unfair and intolerant of opposing viewpoints. People can believe that both divorce and gay marriage are wrong, and still be "pro-love." I love your blog, Bryn, but I read because I love your style, not your politics.

  32. I have a few thoughts...

    First of all to the Anon commenters-- Bryn is brave and passionate about her beliefs and isn't hiding or sneakily putting them out there. Shame on you, not for disagreeing with her, but for being too cowardly to put your own beliefs out there attached to your name.

    Secondly, I am a strong Christian and the topic of homosexual marriage is something that I am often challenged with. I believe in love and commitment. I believe that if two people of the same sex love each other and choose to be committed that no one should deny them that right. In this country marriage is the only way to get many rights that we so often take for granted. I choose to stand up for gay marriage because many homosexual couples are fighting so hard for something that so many heterosexual couples treat as a joke. Heidi and Spencer anyone? Or how about straight couples who are able to get a marriage license for their 5th marriage?! Think about it.

    Thank you Bryn for your courage and passionate beliefs.

  33. Great Post. You made me cry into my soup while eating lunch at my desk.

  34. I agree with you Marge, but the thing is, I think Bryn allows Anonymous comments for a reason (isn't this a feature you can disable)? They seem ideally designed for this type of issue, where disagreement with the prevailing view can earn you exclusion and attack from your peers. Besides, Bryn moderates the posts, so if she thinks Anonymous comments are unfair, she can reject them!

  35. one little note - I would never reject comments due to opinions. I only reject if they are spam or a duplicate.

    What makes this country beautiful is freedom of speech and I always welcome opinions no matter how much they differ from mine :)

  36. I 100% agree with you! Why should anyone tell anyone else who to love or how to live their lives? Last time I checked this was a country based on freedom of religion and the separation of church and state. Meaning the bible should not be brought into this discussion and it should be legal in the eyes of the government regardless of how some chose to interpret the bible.

  37. All marriage is in the eyes of the law is a form of protection. It is a contract. All the government should be concerned with is the idea of equal protection. Yes, gay and lesbians deserve those rights as they are citizens of this country and the constitution applies to them. But this is where it gets tricky and inconvenient for many people. We are still picking and chosing who we give that right to. I have to question those people who believe in gay and lesbian marriage but refuse to extend equal protection to unborn babies. I also find it interesting that even though California voted for Obama, they denied gay and lesbian couples their rights under the constitution. What is even more interesting are the groups of people that voted that gay and lesbians should not have access to marriage. It wasn't just conservative religious right.Poll data is available. These things take time. One by one states will come around. Ratifying state constitutions does take some time.


  38. I like your post, but disagree with your post as well. The institution of marriage is sacred and yes, a lot of people take it for granted. But with everything good bad things always happen. Life is something precious too, but there's still killings and murder.. Just because of that it doesn't mean that life itself shouldn't be protected as something precious. What would your life be like if you had grown without your mom or dad? Have you ever thought of that? If two grown people make a choice to be gay then that's fine, but then what about a child's choice? To have a mom and a dad. Someone has to protect that.

  39. Bryn, thank you for posting this beautiful video and for standing up for your beliefs. Clearly we need to have more discussion on this!

    I might ask of some of the other commenters:

    What exactly are you "protecting" marriage from? How does discriminating against committed adults in love "protect" marriage?

    In terms of children, many straight parents make horrible parents - how does being straight automatically make you fit to be a parent? If the argument against marriage for all is that children should be raised by a mother and father, should we take marriage away from infertile couples? Should we take children away from single parents?

  40. Do those who want gay marriage to be legal think that poly-amorous marriages (marriages between more than two people) should also be legal? After all, poly-amorous people are also in love, but they don't have the same rights to get married as two-person straight couples and gay couples (in a few states). How can you grant rights only to two-person couples but not three-person or four-person love relationships? Isn't that intolerant and anti-love? To learn more about poly families, visit:

  41. Thank you for posting this! I was just working on a post about prop 8 since I am a teacher and many of my students just wrote about it.Found your blog looking for design blogs and really love it!


  42. I understand some individuals' needs to be 'Biblically Correct', however, I feel the need to remind everyone that the United States is a democracy run by a Constitution inspired somewhat by, but NOT ruled by the Bible.
    The Bible IS NOT the Constitution, and vice versa.
    Sorry to say this, but that fact alone renders many of your arguments ineffective.

  43. Kaye, your argument is specious. While we live in a secular country with a government based on republican principles, that does not mean that people can't advocate for public policies based on their religious values. Let's say someone thinks stealing is wrong because it's in the Bible. Does that mean they can't advocate for anti-theft laws? Martin Luther King, Jr. justified much of the civil rights movement with his Christian faith. Were his arguments "ineffective?"

  44. Great post Bryn! Thank you. Love is love no matter what the sex of the person is.

  45. Kaye, your argument is specious. While we live in a secular country with a government based on republican principles, that does not mean that people can't advocate for public policies based on their religious values. Let's say someone thinks stealing is wrong because it's in the Bible. Does that mean they can't advocate for anti-theft laws? Martin Luther King, Jr. justified much of the civil rights movement with his Christian faith. Were his arguments "ineffective?"

  46. I understand some individuals' needs to be 'Biblically Correct', however, I feel the need to remind everyone that the United States is a democracy run by a Constitution inspired somewhat by, but NOT ruled by the Bible.
    The Bible IS NOT the Constitution, and vice versa.
    Sorry to say this, but that fact alone renders many of your arguments ineffective.

  47. Thank you for posting this! I was just working on a post about prop 8 since I am a teacher and many of my students just wrote about it.Found your blog looking for design blogs and really love it!



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