Tuesday, May 19, 2009

San Jacinto Mountain

I uploaded some pictures of the beautiful San Jacinto mountain in Palm Springs on Flickr - it was so amazing.

Feel free to check them out!

[this one cracks me up, the husband caught me off guard. I love my vintage purse!]


  1. I love your shirt! Seriously, you look tiny! California is so beautiful! I definitely miss the west coast. While I love Texas, it's definitely not that pretty!

  2. Great purse and what a beautiful place to be!

  3. Lindsey - you need to visit me in Austin, we have very similar views from the hills I live in!!

    Bryn - you are such a skinny minny!! so jealous! do you work out? gimmer some tips! ha!

  4. Great purse and what a beautiful place to be!


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