Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Ever since seeing this commercial, I've wanted to get wii active - and last night we went to Target and got it! Turns out we got it the first day it was released although that in itself was unintentional.

It is AWESOME. [no I'm not pulling a jon & kate + 8; they aren't paying me to say that]

We played around with it last night and had such a great time (and worked up a sweat). There is a 30-day challenge within the game which the husband and I are going to participate in.

I just had to share - it's a less expensive alternative to the wii fit. (Only $59 vs. $89). I often get so bored while exercising, and this seems to be a great alternative!


  1. this sounds awesome.
    i've heard a little about it.
    i'm thinking about maybe purcashing it if it's worth it.
    keep us posted on your progress. :)

  2. awesome! I've never even heard of this.. the wii has been ignored lately. time to brush it off!

  3. active on my mind. I just got out and went running today - it felt really good!

  4. I've been thinking about the Wii Active. We got the Wii Fit but it isn't much of a workout. I'd love to hear more reviews as you continue to use it!

  5. I host parties with friends to play Wii Fit and other Wii games. It doesn't have to be just for exercise! :)

  6. What is the difference between Wii fit and active? We just got a Wii and it came with the fit part (bought it used from a coworker)....

  7. I may have to check one of these out. I love how working out makes me feel, but the boredom is the worst part.

  8. bryn,
    help. my photos of art are lost on my blog?
    can you help?

  9. I really want it! I got the Wii Fit the other day for my birthday and it isn't as fun as I thought it'd be. Keep us updated!

  10. this looks interesting! I love that it comes with the bands, I may have to try and look at it in person!

  11. we have been thinking about getting this too - I would love to hear more about your trial 30 days!

  12. I really want it! I got the Wii Fit the other day for my birthday and it isn't as fun as I thought it'd be. Keep us updated!


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