Wednesday, May 27, 2009

four eyes

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a total dork... like get-nervous-around-people-and-rather-stay-at-home dork. Anyone who's been to my house on a Saturday morning also knows I desperately need new glasses - they are cracked, scraped, nosepiece-less and just plain old.

Anyway, my point is I've been longing for some total dork glasses and I think I'm going to get some. AND rock them with awesome lipstick.

Some inspiration....

[via bliss]

Another reason I need glasses: I was sewing the other weekend and the needle got caught and broke in half... it flew at me and barely missed my eye. Scary. I have yet to replace the needle and I'm a little nervous to sew without glasses on!

Speaking of glasses, have you seen this site? It's a great place to score cheap glasses. My brother in law has purchased a pair from them and the quality is actually not too bad!


  1. Brilliant idea!! There were some really cute ones in the men's section too! Thanks for the website, I'm pumped to use it!

  2. I wear glasses and once I found the right frames I love them! Great site!

  3. Good idea! Geeks rule!


  4. You need some safety goggles for sewing! haha

  5. Go for it! I rock my geekers all the time (that's what I call my dorky glasses)! :)

  6. While Im sure you would look lovely in anything, can't say Im a fan of those.

  7. I have 2 pairs of glasses from that site... and I have mixed reviews. My glasses took a month to arrive and that is pretty much their turn around time. Don't order from them if you NEED your glasses right away.

    If you do decide to order from them, find out your PD (Pupillary Distance) from your Optometrist. It wasn't included on my prescription, so I followed the directions on the website to measure it myself. I suspect that I did it incorrectly, because the glasses are just "off". They give me horrible headaches and my peripheral vision is terribly skewed when I'm not staring directly ahead. It was pretty much a waste of my money and I'm terribly sad about that because the frames are so adorable!

  8. I have quite a collection, including some 'cat" eye glasses. I love dorky glasses. I always admired YSL for his signature black frames.

  9. I have ordered 5 different pairs of glasses from that site and have not yet been disappointed! (And at approx. $20 a pair, you can afford to get multiples for the price that you would pay for one pair at a regular place!)

  10. love the cute-geeky look. f21 had some fakies and there was the most adorable girl trying them on when I was in last! so cute! I'll have to check out that eye glass site, that is just crazy! crazy good!

  11. bryn! i JUST ordered some new glasses from zenni over the weekend. i haven't gotten them yet, but have friends who have had great luck with the site...

    i got these in purple -- can't wait to rock 'em!

  12. Gorgeous Girl + Geeky Glasses = One Glam Smarty Pants!

  13. I love the girl in the second image - so chic!

  14. So funny, My daughter just bought some at Nordstrom's junior dept. She had to have them. Reminds me of my old glassed from the 80's.

    Some kids at school love them some are hatin on her.

  15. So funny, My daughter just bought some at Nordstrom's junior dept. She had to have them. Reminds me of my old glassed from the 80's.

    Some kids at school love them some are hatin on her.

  16. love the cute-geeky look. f21 had some fakies and there was the most adorable girl trying them on when I was in last! so cute! I'll have to check out that eye glass site, that is just crazy! crazy good!

  17. While Im sure you would look lovely in anything, can't say Im a fan of those.

  18. Good idea! Geeks rule!



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