Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Computer Geek Chic

I can honestly say I used the three day weekend to be LAZY!! M & I did pretty much nothing all weekend, and my laptop was attached to me at the hip and I was a busy little B working on side projects.

One cool thing I did do this weekend was buy 3D Interior Design software... it was a good investment for my new "chasing the dream" ventures. Check out some room samples found via the software company's website:

The software is a little tricky to use (especially since it's only for PC and I'm a Mac girl), but I've been practicing and it's really fun! I plan on using it for local interior design clients but I thought it'd also be a great way to virtually see an idea board come to life.

I'm also working on getting a website up for my new venture.. things are moving along beautifully and life is good!!

(Sorry for the crappy posts lately, once I get my projects up and running there will be a lot of great content - hopefully haha)


  1. Neat software!

    Good for you - going after your dream career! Awesome! Best of luck to you! :)

  2. I was worried, I am glad you are a Mac Girl.
    Me too - and I am learning new things always...from my geek chic friends. That looks like playing house.:)

  3. I use to have interior design software(not as good as that), it is addictive, trust me. You will spend hours designing and redesigning your ideal room/bathroom/kitchen.


  4. I remember learning CAD in Design school and dreading it. That software looks like a lot more fun! I love the kitchen.

  5. That software looks very cool! Keep chasing your dream!

  6. That software looks very cool! Keep chasing your dream!


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