Thursday, April 30, 2009

When I turn 25....

When I turn 25 in two weeks, I think I'm going to introduce lipstick in my life...

(found via stylepill)

(katy perry)

(What I Wore)

Mom - when you come out here we'll have to search for my perfect shade...


  1. You should! red lipstick is my trademark :D
    best red ? Chanel Rouge Allure in Passion. Hands down my favorite.

  2. How fun! I love having lipstick/gloss but I don't seem to wear it a lot - I just need to get a little more comfortable with it - the whole makeup thing still kind of trips me up. My students are always letting me know if I have smudged eyeliner or what I should do differently. Good luck - I always get makeup with my mom!

  3. I have the hardest time with lip stick, and then I see people like that and I want to wear it so bad. I hope to see which color you choose.

  4. Something about lipstick is so grown up!
    Ah to be 25 and so grown up!

  5. I love lipstick! I don't feel ready without it.

  6. I agree with Stacey, I don't feel ready without lipstick. I love the color Canyon by Covergirl. I know drugstore brand but it is fantastic. Ah, to be 25 again...

  7. Hi!
    thanks so much for the link! would you like to exchange blog rolls? :) Your header, and site are so cute! keep up the good work! xoxo

  8. My mom always say: "A woman should always have two things-her sunglasses and her lipstick" Although I have yet to learn to love lipstick. But I LOVE my sunglasses.

  9. I love to buy special editions of red lipstick by regular brands like Loreal and such. The best ever is MAC red glosses. Red lipstick gets very dry.

    This is the first time I've commented as well. I have to say I love your blog - it is sweet but also helps me dream up new ideas for my home that is completely undecorated!

  10. 25??? TWENTY FIVE!?? You young little thing, you! Ha ha, I'm 30 (but in my head I am forever 24). Good luck with the lipstick; I'm a mascara and bronzer girl. Not by choice; I just have NO talent with doing make up. Or my hair. Can you tell I was a tomboy!? hee hee You're gorgeous and I love your site! Especially your antiquing and new etsy shop!

  11. You are adorable. Have fun shopping for the perfect tube with your mom.


  12. I wish I could pull of lipstick but since I have what I call fishlips, I'm always downplaying them. Thank goodnes Angelina Jolie came along.

    You could totally pull these looks off, B!

  13. DO IT! I love lip color - so nostalgic and great with vintage!


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