Friday, May 1, 2009

channeling my inner teen spirit

You must must hear this amazingly talented young woman:

I found her via Taking The Stage on MTV (embarrassing?). I also love that she sort of looks like Kristen Stewart aka Bella. Geez, how old am I?!


  1. Sorry but I watch the show. I started for my daughter because she danced (ballet) but now I look forward to watching the kids...MIA was my girl until she started going after Tyler...but her talent is really great.

  2. Glad you posted this -- nice to start the day with a beautiful song. I can relate to the strange mid-20s battle of wanting to achieve sophistication one minute and secretly wishing my fiance were a vampire the next...

  3. Oh I think she is GREAT. I stumbled across the show one day and stopped dead when I heard her singing. I can't wait to see how her music career unfolds.

    And I second Grace's vampire comment... ;)

  4. Oh I think she is GREAT. I stumbled across the show one day and stopped dead when I heard her singing. I can't wait to see how her music career unfolds.

    And I second Grace's vampire comment... ;)


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