Monday, April 20, 2009

Saturday Night Date

The husband and I have been doing something new lately: having our date nights at home. In the past we've always gone out one night during the weekend together (usually Saturday), but due to some budget restraints we've been cooking at home more. I have to admit, I really enjoy it!

The most fun part about it? We always cook something different.

Husband's Date Night Meal:

What can I say.... I married a steak and potatoes guy.

My Date Night Dinner:

Shrimp marinated in cilantro, olive oil, lime juice, garlic and hot sauce. The couscous salad has black beans, Rotel (tomatoes & green chilis), more cilantro, more lime juice and more hot sauce. For not following a recipe, it turned out REALLY good!!

The great thing about cooking at home = tons of leftovers. I had the couscous salad again for lunch today, and added some Feta cheese on top to mix it up. It was delish.

You can see how my husband and I are so different just by looking at our meals. Although we have many important things in common, our day to day likes and dislikes couldn't be anymore different. It keeps things interesting!


  1. Part of what makes being a couple are the differences.
    We have cooked many meals, his and hers and then even blended some...
    Enjoy and take great pleasure in your cuisine! Just think of all the money you are saving. Be sure to "tip" yourself! (or your husband!)

  2. I would rather eat off of your plate. ;)

  3. The best date nights are those spent "in."

  4. My husband and I are going to have to do the same pretty soon... I like staying in with him though. Sometimes going out seems too tiring! :)

  5. We've been doing the exact same thing! Plus, we've been going out to split dessert. We've turned it into a competition to "find the best dessert in town". We give the restaurant points for ambiance, service, etc. and the dessert gets points for presentation, flavor, etc. It's super cheap and so fun :)

  6. It's fun to eat at home on Saturdays. Ryan and I do that a lot.

    I've never cooked cous cous... that looks so delicious.

  7. YUMMY! It all looks absolutely delicious! :)

  8. Hello...I'm new to your blog, we were referred over her by that lovely lady over at PVE Design :-)
    Your shrimp dish looks divine.My husband doesn't his date nights when it's his turn to cook...are Sushi! Yum, I don't really mind.
    I'll be back...lovely to meet you.

  9. That is so funny. My husband would be with yours. He could, and would prefer to, eat that meal EVERY night!

  10. I came over from PVE to say hi! Your meals look similar to my love and mine. Have a golden day!

  11. Mmm, the meat and potatoes look good and hearty, but I am dying to have a bite of "your" dish. Those ingredients are making my mouth water.


  12. YUMMMMMMMYYYYY! Those look better than anything I made for you! Maybe cooking skills skip generations....

  13. i love your blog...

    you've been tagged!


  14. I love nights in with just my husband! I kind of felt old (at 25) when I started realizing that I often preferred that to going out but at the end of a busy week I always just want to spend time with just us. Do you guys alternate cooking or did you each cook those meals on the same night?

  15. YUMMMMMMMYYYYY! Those look better than anything I made for you! Maybe cooking skills skip generations....

  16. My husband and I are going to have to do the same pretty soon... I like staying in with him though. Sometimes going out seems too tiring! :)


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