Wednesday, April 22, 2009


After seeing this image via oh, hello friend, I now want to grow my hair out again....

Even though my hair is quite a bit curlier than hers..... hmmm...


  1. yes, that is some fab hair! too bad it is about as far away from my natural hair texture as you can get.

  2. Im so jealous of people who have beautiful hair (like you!). Its definitely something you are either blessed with or not. Me, not so much.

  3. I think that would look great! I have stick straight hair that I would love to perm just to get this look for more than 3 hours at a time... :) Maybe this summer when I have some more length to work with! :) Perms are in, right?

  4. I'm growing my hair out too. My goal to sticking with my decision is that I will donate it after it's all grown out. 4 more inches to go!

  5. I have pretty curly hair too that's frizzy if nothing is put in it..I'm always envious of girls with pretty waves!

  6. I am so mad that I cut my long hair after our I am growing mine out. BUT I don't think I could pull off that long of hair! Gorgeous!

  7. Goodness! That IS awesome hair! xo

  8. I am so mad that I cut my long hair after our I am growing mine out. BUT I don't think I could pull off that long of hair! Gorgeous!


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