Well... it's officially 52 days until my 25th birthday. Yes, I'm very young. However, I won't deny I'm having a 1/3rd-life-crisis.
There were a list of things I wanted to accomplish by my 25th birthday.. here are some of them:
- Get organized
- Lose weight
- Be debt free
- Bring exercise and healthy eating routinely into my life
- Always look "put together"
Surprisingly, I have stuck to this list and been doing pretty well! Here are the updates:
- Get organized: I have organized almost everything in our home and gotten rid of junk, junk and more junk. I only have to tackle my closet, the garage (!!!), and a few kitchen drawers and I'm DONE!
- Lose weight: I'm mentioned it here and there, but I'm proud to say I've lost 15 lbs since August 2008. Slowly and steadily has worked for me. By my birthday, I want to lose another 5 lbs. It's a pretty hefty goal, and I need to start hitting the pavement again regularly to get there.
- Be debt free: We are just a couple months away to being in a really great place financially. We'll have no debt, minus two car loans, at 25 and 26 and I'm proud of that!
- Bring exercise and healthy eating routinely into my life: I've done a pretty good job of this, and I think the weight loss is result of it!
- Always look "put together": Thanks to my new love of thrifting, I now love to put together outfits. The best part is, now I have personality to my clothes since many of them are vintage, instead of looking like a poster child for the Gap.
I have to admit - blogging really has helped me with my goal list. I find such inspiration for my life in the blog world.
Now here comes the whiny part. Here I am at 25, and my "crisis" is that I'm still trying to find who I am; mainly in the career department. I enjoy my job, but I get a little sad when I see things like this:

print via etsy.com
Truth is... sure, Advertising is fun and all, but it's not what I love. I consider myself a creative person and I yearn to live a life where I can use creativity to bring in income. So this begs the question - is it too late to do that? In my dreams, I imagine my life as an interior designer. But that requires school, and when thinking of going back to school, I'm overwhelmed and guilty. Overwhelmed at the cost (we just got out of debt, why should I get back into it? Plus one income? eek) and guilty at the thought that my parents gave the gift of college to me, and I choose Advertising instead of Interior Design. It's something I really regret, but the decision was made, and I am forever thankful for the opportunities they gave me. I don't want to throw that all away....
Another question - is there a way to live what I love full time without having to spend a bunch of money to go back to school? Truth is, I'm working towards this with the launch of my new site. I'd love to be able to work with people out there on rooms, web sites, logos.... that way I can live what I love and also be able to use the skills I learned in college.
But alas, for as long as I need to, I'll continue to live my double life - Advertiser by day and designer by night. It's a perfect life, actually, and I really have no reason to whine ;)
So as I approach an age milestone, I've created some new goals for my 25th year and beyond:
- Bring even more creative outlets into my life: painting, drawing, expansion of my offerings
- Find a place to live where my husband and I can thrive
- Lose more weight (what woman doesn't have this permanently fixed on her life list?)
And with that, I'll share with you baby Bryn, approximately 24 years ago:

I don't think it's too late to do anything you really want to do. I think it would be easier to do now before you have children. Interior design is also something you could do and be a stay at home mom (if that is what you want to be)
ReplyDeleteI'm going to be 29 at the end of April and I still am finding out who I am. I wonder if you ever really truly find out or if it is an ongoing thing?
I had a hard time turning 25, mostly for the same things you are going through.
Good luck!
I can understand your dilemma (though you're right, you've accomplished so much already). I am almost done with college, majoring in English in the hopes that I'll be more qualified to make money writing someday (what English major doesn't hope for that). But I really really miss my old major, Art History. That's what I really loved. I guess my new hope should be to write about Art History--mesh the two together, like you're contemplating.
ReplyDeleteNo, I don't think it's too late. People deserve to be happy.
it's never too late to do what you love!
ReplyDeleteIt's never too late to do what you love. I started out as a chemist and HATED it so I switched to teaching, which I like a lot better. Now I've been taking photography classes because that's what I've fallen in love with. No matter what sacrifices you have to make, they're worth it if they bring you to where you want to be.
ReplyDeleteTwenty-five is the hump you need to get over to realize how young you really are. It is never to late to do what you want. Yeah, most of us do have constraints like time and money, but if you want it, you can achieve it. I'm going to be thirty in less than a month, and I'm laughing at my very young self from five years ago that thought I was so old.
ReplyDeleteDon't set limits for yourself based on age!
ReplyDeleteI do not know you except through blog world. However, I am 24 years old and only in my 2nd year of college. I thought I had it all figured out when I was younger. I think that you should pursue what you love... and live it. Thanks for all of your blogs!
I must say, you're very mature for your age. I'm 30 and when I was 25 I did not have it as "together" as you do =)
ReplyDeleteKeep doing what you're doing: advertising by day, design by night. And who knows, eventually design will take over as your day job too.
(Psst, Colorado's a great place to thrive, LOL. I'm a bit biased.)
It's never too late! Although I'll admit, that's much easier said than done. I'm 36 and still trying to "find myself." I know what I like to do but don't know how to make any money from it. I'm pretty fearful of the unknown but I guess I should trust my gut and just "go for it."
ReplyDeleteI wish you all the best!
Just a thought: Interior Design is not medicine or law. The only thing that makes someone an interior designer is someone (preferably many someones) to pay you to design their interior. Sure, there are all sorts of programs that would be nice to have but if don't have that luxury, that doesn't have to stop you.
ReplyDeleteMy guess is you'd get a lot farther by learning from someone in the field than any class anyway. It would still require you to quit your job - so still a big risk. But its free.
I had a quarter life crisis too (it was a while ago now)...wish I could tell you I figured it all out but I happen to think very few people actually do what they love. In my case, I accept that I do what I do so I can afford to do the things I love.
Aww, great post and congrats on all of your accomplishments! I love that print! I have it in my guest bedroom! :)
ReplyDeleteIt's never too late- my dad did an entire career change and we moved 800 miles from where I grew up- when he was 37. Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteI am THERE Bryn, which is why I am starting my event planning and design company. I think everyone goes through this a few years after college. I think your goals are great and in my eyes you are incredibly "put together" fashion wise and you're very smart. What I am trying to say is GO FOR IT! You can totally do anything you want, you just have to dive in whole heartedly
ReplyDeleteLike others have said, i dont think its ever too late to start something new. They say the average person can have roughly three careers in their lifetime.
ReplyDeleteLike, you i have a list of things to do before im 25. Im 22 this year so plenty of time to do them.
Good luck :)
Oh sweetie I totally know where you are coming from. 25 hit me like a tone of bricks. I was happy with everything in my life except my career. I had always just seen myself somewhere else at that point in my life. I always dreamed of being an Interior Designer, but I choose differently as well when I went to college. I'm 27 now almost 28 and for a little over a year I had been contemplated working towards a degree in Interior Designer, but I was scared about the amount of $$$ I would need to spend for another degree so I put it on the back burner, but always went back to Interior Design. So I started thinking about people in the field already and a big majority of them don't have offical degrees. When I talked to Interior Designers/Decorators thru the blog world I realized that a lot of them were self-taught. You either have it or you don't. I realized that I actually did have it and that I needed to believe in myself. So now that's what I'm doing. As you know since you are doing my web design! Since I wanted some sort of schooling I am doing classes to learn about floor plans, sketches, etc. All the boring things in design to get my act together. It's going great and wasn't too pricey.
ReplyDeleteAnyway I just wanted to let you know that I totally know where you are coming from and it's completely normal.
We are just some of those crazy people that want to love what they do for a living and not just work for the weekend.
I agree with the comment that said to not set limits for yourself based on age. You are going to be you, no matter how old you are. There is a LOT to be said for trying new things "later." All of your experience from whatver you have done before will serve you well.
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime, let me say that you are doing everything right.
I'm 32 years old and still don't know what I want to be "when I grow up". I am the mother of three beautiful children. When I was 25, I could only hope that my husband and I would be so blessed. I NEVER thought I would be doing childcare in my home, but I have for three years. When my children are older, I will surely make a career change. Don't let the world determine what you heart desires. Only you have the ability to "live what you love".
ReplyDeleteIt's never too late!
ReplyDeleteI'm like you - today, I'm doing what I studied in college (for me, it's marketing/brand management) and I'm "doing really well" in it in terms of my job, but I know that I'm not yet living what I truly love. More and more, I'm seeing my life as a forever-evolution vs. an "end state." What's important is to keep moving every day toward becoming the person you want to be.
Thanks for sharing this - I actually love these kinds of posts and don't find them whiny at all. So - go for it - I think you have what it takes!
I'm having a similar dilemma and I'm only 23!!! You've had a fantastic life so far and there's nothing stopping you from going after what you really want to do, college degree or not. I went to school for something I'm good at, and something I thought I wanted to do forever as a career. Now that I'm out in the working world, I've realized there are a couple other jobs I'd rather have!! So, I'm starting slow with a friend and we just went and did our DBA today to start our own company! I'm really excited and although sometimes I feel like my degree was a waste, college was a learning experience and it's okay to change your mind. :) Can't wait to see your new site!
ReplyDeleteHi Bryn - I have to admit I read your blog daily, but have never before left a comment!
ReplyDeleteI had to respond to today's post, as I myself am just two weeks away from the big 2-5 and feel exactly as you do about work and life. I think we just have to be hopeful that we're still young, and know that "live what you love" will come with time. At least that's how I've been thinking of it lately in the career department.
In the meantime, keep blogging and you never know when a new and exciting opportunity might come knocking! Best of luck to you and congrats on how far you've come already with all of your goals! Here's to being 25 and fabulous :)
We only have a short time on this earth, don't live it doing something you don't love.
ReplyDeleteI work at a state university admissions office and I see dozens of people a week who are going back to school who are well over 25- many with children, etc.
ReplyDeleteIt may ease your mind to know that obtaining a second bachelor's degree only requires the upper level credits and can sometimes be done in a year or so. You should look into it as you may only need 30 credits! Just a thought.
Way to go girl! Sounds like you've got a lot of your goals accomplished! I'm pretty much in the same boat career wise! But it's totally not too late. Better now than 5 or 10 years from now!
ReplyDeleteit's never too late! never!!!
ReplyDeletewhat is the point of life if you have no dreams to follow?
ps... cute baby Bryn picture!
It's never too late to go back to school! I returned to get a bachelor's degree in interior design when I was 24 and worked full time until I graduated. You would probably be able to transfer in all of your previous gen ed classes and knock out a new degree quickly.
ReplyDeleteI would also recommend thinking about the type of design you want to do. If it's purely residential, you don't really need a degree. If you anticipate doing anything commercial (restaurants, etc), you need a degree to get your foot in the door and make a decent salary. Also know that many states require you to be licensed and educated to even call yourself an interior designer. CA doesn't currently have that legislation, but the fight is underway. CA does allow you to become "certified", and I would recommend researching the exact requirements. You could potentially only have to get an associates degree in design and after working for 4 years, take the NCIDQ (National Council for Interior Design Qualification) test. Passage of this test allows you to join professional design associations ASID & IIDA, and elevate yourself above untrained people trying to hawk decorating advice.
Many people don't realize this, but proper interior design involves knowledge (and adherence) to building codes, dealing with contracts that need to be properly executed, knowledge of construction and use of AutoCAD. The field is a lot more technical that many people realize and you need the education and technical skills to serve as a foundation for good design.
After reading your blog for a while, I can see that you absolutely have an eye for design and I think you would do well in the field. I'd recommend checking out schools in the area and talking to someone in the department. If you look at a bachelor's program, it should be CIDA accredited. I'd be happy to answer any questions about what is involved in getting a degree in the field.
ReplyDeleteYou share your name with my daughter. She is 19, studying to be a nurse. Her middle name starts with an "A"
as well.
I'll tell you what I would say to my own Bryn- if you have a passion for something you are so lucky and you owe it to yourself to pursue it! And it sounds like your blog and website are bigs steps in the right direction.
Bryn, just know it's never too late. You have a great eye for interior design (and everything else too I might add). I say GO FOR IT! Just think, you could be living your dream before you turn 30.
ReplyDeleteNow me, even though I am an event/wedding planner, I think I missed my calling to go into veterinary medicine. I'm already 30 with a baby so I think that more school is out of the question. But I definitely plan on making animals a big part of my life in some other way. Maybe through fostering or volunteer work.
Bryn -
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your thoughts. I often wonder, will I ever be satisfied with where I am at and what I am doing? Maybe that's just the way of life, the thing that moves you from one thing to the next. I'm all for change and doing what's best for you...advice I need to take myself sometimes. Good luck with your decisions and I'm sure you'll be great at whatever you decide to do. {and, 25 isn't that bad...I'm headed to 30 and think it will be fabulous!}
ReplyDeletei got heart palpitations when i read this. i feel exactly the same way and went through the same thing when i turned 25 last year. i love my life but haven't figured out how to 'live my love' yet either, career-wise! it is a relief to know that i'm not alone. i'm getting ready to start a blog & i'm hoping its the first step toward figuring it all out...thanks for your great posts & blog.