Friday, February 13, 2009

thrifty threads

February 12, 2009
thermal: Gap
cardigan: thrifted @ Salvation Army
jeans: Saks Outlet (Joe's Jeans)
belt: Banana Republic

February 13, 2009
turtleneck: Gap
skirt: Delia's from 7 years ago!
tights: Target
shoes: Payless

{Someone asked me in a comment why I always look down - I do it because in the morning I only have time for at most 5 shots, so I don't want to worry about what my face looks like :) I'll try to show more smiles more often.}


  1. those outfits are so CUTE! i love that skirt! =)

  2. Adorable! I need one of those green cardigans, LOVE it with the brown shirt & belt.

  3. I have really been enjoying your thrifty threads. Good job! I feel inspired to thrift though I have been less than successful in the past....i love the first outfit on this post. I have tried the belt over the cardigan before and not really liked the outcome. maybe i will try again. thanks for the continued inspiration!

  4. Adorable! I need one of those green cardigans, LOVE it with the brown shirt & belt.


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