Wednesday, February 11, 2009


When I find things on Etsy, I don't really mean to be "shopping"..... but I had to purchase this fabulous vintage dress.

It was on sale for $9! Total: $15 (including shipping). Score.

I love navy blue right now.

I also love the etsy store I bought it from - erinliz - check it out!

While on Etsy, I also purchased a little something for a blog give-away. It was too cute (and budget friendly) to pass up, and I know you guys will love it! As always, don't stray too far... the give-away will be soon!

edit: this picture is not of me - it's the listing image :) I will post a picture of the dress on me when I get it though!


  1. Love this shot. So beautiful. Oh, and etsy is the best for "I-am-just-looking-not-shopping-but-have-to-buy-anyway". Love the dress :)

  2. that is a cute bryn! it's a good cut on you.

  3. What an adorable dress!! I love all of the vintage shops on etsy- where do those girls find such fantastic clothes?? Great purchase. :)

  4. Love that dress!

    Wow on the price! $15 total is crazy.

    Can't wait to see you in it.

  5. Great store..I added them to my favs! Love the dress to.

  6. So cute! Wow-her clothes are cute AND super affordable!

  7. I love everything about this dress! Beautiful!

  8. You look lovely! Love the dress and great price!

  9. Sooo cute! Such a good purchase!

  10. Okay, I love your blog, but that dress is hideous! It looks like what my grandmama would wear and she's not stylin'. You are so cute. The dress is not!

  11. This dress is gorgeous! You look awesome.


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