Monday, January 26, 2009

It's all about you....

Isn't this gal's outfit super cute? I just love it. As you can see, it's not me. I found her on She has her own fashion site here.

So the reason I'm sharing, other than to share my new love for weardrobe, is because I have a question for my lovely readers: Would you like me to start blogging pictures of things I wear now and then?

I know I love seeing what other people wear. Yes, it's a tad trivial and shallow, but it actually serves a deeper purpose, too. It helps inspire me to think of the items I already own in new ways and make the most of my closet. Especially now when the word "layoffs" is slowly creeping inch by inch into my life.

The only problem is actually figuring out how/when to take the pictures. That may be the kicker.

But I posted a poll up on my sidebar - I'd love to get your input! Thanks :)


  1. Go for it...It's always nice to see someone else's take on a fun outfit!

  2. You should definitely do it! Also, let us know where you find what you're wearing so that those of us (me) with no creative outfit-making capabilities can shamelessly copy you! :)

  3. I love clothes so I am gonna say YES! PLEASE! I use to do it all the time when I was badly into LAMB, and post my outfit from shoes on up to my LAMB bag and it was great, and gave ideas to other chics on what to wear bags with. Ahhh dejavu

  4. Bring em on! I think I may start myself!

  5. I think it would be interesting, if you are brave enough... :-).

    Maybe a "what I wore" Friday or something?

  6. I definitely think you should do it. You're the one who got me hooked on What I Wore. I agree with you that its great to get new ideas on ways to wear what I already own.

  7. I TOTALLY think you should do it b/c the ONE thing I'm jealous of (well, not actually jealous, but wish I had) is style in casual clothes. I have nice work clothes and nice workOUR clothes, but NOTHING but jeans and tees in between. I'm haggard. Help me, bryn! :)

  8. Wow that site is awesome! I think you should totally start taking pics of what you wear. Seeing what other people put together makes me more confident to experiment with what I wear.

    That outfit it adorable, however it made me waste 30 minutes at work trying to track down that sweater from Forever 21. :) Oops.


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